The McAllen's

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Dallas POV

"Hey guys I'm your big brother. " I said, talking to my newborn siblings over Skype.

"There so cute, especially Sidney," Lamar said.

"Thanks Lamar, I bet my grand baby will be just as cute," my dad jokes and say.

Lamar and I have been in a steady relationship for a month now and things couldn't be better between us.

I had him meet my dad and they became best of friends over the phone.

It was our first time on Skype and its the first time I've seen my dad in months.

I could tell he was happy and that's all I need to know, the triplets were born four days ago.

My two brothers were Stanland and Keyton.

And I had a baby sister and her name was Sidney.

I was touched that they name her after mom.

"Ahh so cute," Lamar says as he looks at the babies.

"Why are they so small," Blanca asked.

"Sweat heart there babies that's why and at some point we all were babies," Lamar says to her.

Blanca was living with us now, it felt so right to have her here with us.

"I was as little as Sidney," she ask me.

"Yeah and you'll be big as me one day too," I say.

"I'm going to put these guys to rest now," my dad says.

"Okay later Dad," I said.

"Bye Stan," Lamar said.

"Bye Keyton, Stanland and Sidney," Blanca says.

I closed the connection after we said our goodbyes.

"We have a few minutes before we head over to the pack house is there anything anyone wants to do before we head out," I say to everyone.

"all good," Lamar says.

"I baked a pie do you think that is okay if I brought it," he said.

"Lamb I don't thing that's a good idea," I said.

I could see he was upset by my words.

"Because if it taste half as good as your cooking its going to make all the wolves in love with you and I don't want to fighting anyone today," I said.

"You idiot," he says and elbows me in my ribs.

I groan in pain and rub my side, "I deserved that one," I said.

"I hope your family is okay with us," he says as he gets the key from the table.

"Are you kidding me they want to meet you so bad," I said to him.

"Really now," Lamar says.

"Yeah they do," I told him.

"Okay Dally let's go," he says.

I hated that name and I hated my cousin for telling him the god awful nickname.

"Okay," all four of us got into the car and we stated to drive to the pack house.

Lamar's pov

A month had gone since the fire burned down the motel and we fought the beast.

I should be sad that I lost everything but no I was happy, not happy about losing my money but happy about finding love.

Yes I'm in love with Dallas Carter McAllen and I wanted to shout it out to the world.

Over these past weeks he's been my best friend, my confidant and a great bedmate.

From the first night I've slept in his room, I've never gone back to mine.

I had full trust in him, I told him all about my past and what I experience.

He also opened up to me about his dad, brother, mom and the issues he had bothering me.

He told about his cousin, he blames himself for his disappearance.

About his nightmares and I told him about mine, we made each other complete.

I've never been this happy before, all my life I would have to look over my shoulder but when I'm here with Dallas I feel so safe.

Waking up in his arms every morning was the best part of my day.

And having the kids around even made it better, we are going to adopt Blanca.

The little cutesy has grown on me so much and I can't imagine my life without her.

The paper works will be finalize soon and she'll official be Dallas and I daughter.

We also spoke about gray and Dallas wants to make our family official.

Today was no different after getting up and been in his warm embrace, I got up and prepare breakfast.

When all our bellies were fill he open a chat with his dad.

I've known the guy for three weeks now, he's a great guy form what I can tell.

And that fiance of his was delicious but he still was no Dallas.

Dallas got jealous when I had told him that his step dad hot.

He closed the line and told me I should only have eyes for him.

He's jealousy should have turn me off but it didn't I loved it.

So I always tease him about his step dad to see his beautiful face ignite with lust.

After the call was over with his dad I got the two kids and myself ready to go over to there pack house.

They were having a barbeque and as the pack beta he had to go.

I wanted to meet his family so I went along with him.

I hoped I could get along with his pack members.

As we continue to drive, he pulls off the main road.

We pull up to house or should I say mansion. It was huge.

How could wolves afford this kind of place and all the surrounding land was there's,

"Were these people billionaires," I thought as he parks the car in front of the mansion.

Getting out of the car Dallas takes my hand and leads me along and kids ran in front of us.

He open the huge door and let us in. The inside was luxurious.

"Wow its beautiful," Blanca screech and says.

"Yo you finally made it," a dark guy like myself said and came up and pulled Dallas in for a hug.

"So this is your mate Dallas, " the guy looks at me and say.

"Yeah I guess I am," I said. " nice to meet yah I'm Orlando, " he says.

"Nice to meet you as well," I say to him and shake his hand.

The guy had a firm handshake, "this must be gray and Blanca," he says.

"Yes that's us," the both say in sync.

"Do you guys want to play with the other kids," Orlando says to them.

"Can we," gray says to me with hope in his voice."sure you can but be safe," I tell him.

I watch as the guy name Orlando takes the kids with him.

"You do know him right," I ask with a little worry.

"Its okay his names Orlando he's my cousin mate," he tells me.

"Okay," I said. "Now come on its time you meet the rest of the McAllen's," he says to him.

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