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Dallas POV

It had been 24 hours since we fought with the monster, Lamar was still unconscious.

Uncle Ben checked on him today and said, "anytime know he'll be up."

Waiting was hard there were many things I wanted to discuss with him.

I'm hurting because I'm his mate and I couldn't protect him from that monster.

He had to do it all by himself.

Yesterday I saw Gray crying, I asked him, "what was the matter."

He hesitated to tell me, I could tell it was a secret because he was tight lip about his problem.

I tried to reassure him and he finally open up to me.

"Its my fault they hurt Uncle Lamar," he sobbed and said.

Giving him a hug, to help him get his emotions out, "never blame yourself because you didn't force anyone to hurt him, they did it by choice," I said.

"Thanks Dallas," he says and hugs me back. "Its okay kid I'm here for you and Lamar," I tell him.

The kid and I bonded over the two days he was here with me, I even had Curtis bring Blanca over here so he could have someone to play with.

Kids were a lovely bunch,  having them in the house brought back joy and happiness to the house.

Watching them played reminded
me of when I was little and played with Frisco and Austin.

I wanted this to be my life so bad, Lamar and I as family with kids running around.

Having the kids here changed my mind in many ways, family was important and I need my family in my life.

I took out my J5 and dialed the number he called me on, I've been distance with him when he called and told me he was pregnant.

My dad was my rock and I thought he threw away us and the life he had. I thought he didn't want me in his life anymore so I distant myself from him.

I couldn't me more wrong, with all my nightmares I've had over these months I was continuously blaming myself.

I told myself, "It was my fault my parents were stuck in a relationship, that my brother left and doesn't want to come back home."

But now I see what my dads life could have been like if he never had a family.

He would be in this big empty house by himself for years to come. I suffered alone for months imagine my dad if he had to spend 23 years alone.

This revelation helped me to over come my demons.

I wanted to speak to him so we could build back or bond that we had.

The line was ringing as I thought about what to say to him.

Looking down at the screen as I dialed the international number he call on last time.

Just thinking of my phone bill for next month that Version was problem gonna charge me made me cringe.

While in my thought someone answers the call, "hello who is this," a melodic voice asks. "Hey I'm Dallas Houston's son, is he there," I said.

"Oh your Dallas, nice to meet you he's told me a lot of neat stuff about you," the person says.

I felt like a jerk, even when I was distant he never change how  much he cared for me.

"Who's on the line Violet," I hear my dad say on the call.

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