Bad news.

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Dallas POV

Blanca was such a wonderful, smart kid. Her parents must be so proud of her.

I wish my mate and I could have a daughter like her, but I don't even know if he can have children or if he could would he be willing to.

These thoughts filled my mind, but I pushed them to the back of my mind so I could enjoy my time with Blanca.

"Is she a teacher," I asked her about her doll Talia, "no silly she is scientist," she reply's cheerfully.

Right as we were playing make over someone came in, I looked around to see another teen, he looked more fierce than the other one I meet today.

Were he looked pissed and ready to attack at any moment, the kid from earlier was timid and shy.

"Time for bed Blanca," he says as standing at the door and scooped her up in his arms.

I decided to leave before I'm even later than I am right now, on my way out there were two other teens there,

I knew the one from earlier, my grandma called him, "Tate," if I'm not mistake.

There was another teen there in the hall, he was glaring at me. I wonder, "are they orphans," but I didn't have anyone to answer my question.

I'll just come back tomorrow, "tell my grandma, I have to go," I told Tate and on his shoulder as I was passing by them.

I could feel him shake under my touch, I wanted to reassure him that I don't mean any harm but the other unknown kid puts himself between us.

So I just back off and head outside. After reaching back in my car, I start up the jeep and in off to the pack house.

Parking my jeep and turning off the engine, I got out and went to the meeting room.

I pushed the door and enter while coming into the meeting everyone stop and turn to look at me.

Beside Texas in the room there were my aunt, uncle bed and 2 Alphas from neighboring lands.

I recognizes them, one was Martha she was the Alpha of The Silver wing and Mated to a girl that was from our pack. Only been 19 years old and she was already one of the strongest Alpha around.

Next was Rick Malone, he was the Alpha of The Crescent pack and 49 years old, sadly though his mate die from a rouge attack.

Our packs have been ally's for generation's, for some reason there pack is unable to transform in the nights and we protect them at those times and in exchange they assist in our times of need.

I step into the room and took my seat, "nice of you join us," my Aunt's look over at me and says.

"Sorry I'm late I was stuck in traffic," I said telling a clear lie.

"Any way let us continue with the meeting," Rick say's, I've always respect him and I knew my uncle did as well.

"Sure think rick," my uncle says to Rick and starts to talk again.

After my uncle came out as gay, it became obvious to me that there a item and from what I've seen its been happening for awhile.

It was none of my concern because there both widowers but I was happy to see my uncle happy.

Turning my attention from there secret relationship to what my uncle has to say.

"I called you all here to let you know that on unknown threat is in the area and we should all be careful," Uncle TeX says.

"Texas what do you mean," Martha asked, "several wolves from both our packs were killed tonight and there's no traces of the perpetrator's," my uncle informs us.

I was shocked, how could this happened, "how much," I ask.

"Six of them, they were attack and killed 3 hours ago without a single survivor out of the scouts," he says.

I got up and slam my hands against the table, I was angry. "Which bastard was responsible for this," I growled.

"We don't know as yet, but we believe it was vampires because they were drain of all blood," my uncle says.

"Dam blood suckers, you will pay," I thought. "I call you here to give you all a heads up that we will be putting our pack on a state of watch until further notice, and suggest you all do the same because our pack lines are very close" uncle TeX says.

After we all talk about some other stuff, the meeting was over. But what was discuss still plagued my mind.

They were vampires out there attacking wolves and my mate was in there range because the motel he was staying in was right on the pack border and could be attack at anytime.

I felt like a failure of a mate, I just wanted to force him to come and live with me were I could protect him but after interacting with him that would be a horrible idea.

"I wonder,if the vampires could do me favor and kill his boyfriend," I thought.

After the meeting was over I went one of the guess bathrooms and shower because I was stink.

When I was all fresh and clean, I decided to pay Klarc a bust because a hour had past and there was no call from him.

What do you guess think so far, I really love how Dallas and Lamar are slowly coming together.

There will be a lot of twist and turns in upcoming chapters as more secrets are revealed.

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