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Lamar's POV

"Hey babe what's for dinner," Dallas came in and asked me, it should have been strange but it felt so normal for him to have me in his embrace.

He kiss my neck and I let out a  soft moan as his lips made contact with my skin.

I've been living with him for years now and our life was great.

"You two can you get a room," gray came into the kitchen and said.

He was so big now, time moves so fast, I can't believe he's already thirteen.

It's been eight years since Dallas and I became official mates and four years of marriage.

My life was beautiful, I can't believe I thought run away form this all.

"Gray you know better than to disturb us," Dallas says and laughs as he kiss me on my cheek.

"Eew," grays says and moves from the kitchen doorway.

"That will teach him a lesson," Dallas says. Sometime he could be such a child and I love that about him.

I loved how he accepted Gray as his own. "That's enough buster, I have to get dinner ready or your gonna die form starvation," I said.

"Okay I'll stop for now but we will pick it up in the bedroom," he whispers.

I was shaken my his dominant command, I wanted him to take me to the bedroom now.

But he was already out of the kitchen before I could voice my agreement.

"Gray let's play that new game you got," he shouts.

I love the two men I had in my life.

Setting the table for the three of us, I went into the living room to get my boys.

When I got there it was empty, so I shouted out there names and there was no reply.

I searched the house but no sign of Dallas or Gray anywhere.

This was not like either of them, "are you looking for something, a voice says to me.

Turning around I saw my worst nightmare in my living room.

Marybelle was the personification of evil. " I told you that you could never hide form me, how long did you think you could keep him from me," she says to me.

I couldn't answer her because I wanted to hide Gray from her for ever because it was the last thing Stewart ask me to do before he died.

"Aren't you tired of people dying because of you selfishness," she continues to say.

"Where is my husband and my son," I ask her.

"Ha ha, don't make me laugh your son, you mean my son, he's on his way back to where he belongs and your husband he's up there," she says and points her finger to ceiling.

I look up and Dallas is there hanging form a rope with a noose around his neck.

He was dead I couldn't feel any life coming from him, he was tortured.

The blood leaking from his mouth and eyes were evidence of what he underwent.

I wanted to cry but I knew that wouldn't help my situation, I had to kill her and rescue Gray.

I was a horrible mate everything I love always die, cutting my wrist.

But before I could chant the spell a ruin appears on the floor right below my feet.

A Mate For Dallas (Lone Star Pack 2)Where stories live. Discover now