Our date

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Lamar's POV

"Are we there as yet," Gray asked me for the tenth time as we were on our way to Mable's house.

"Don't worry we'll soon be there," I told him, "really I can't wait to get there," he says excitedly.

"Okay I'll drive a little faster, my car was still giving problems so I rented this. I wish I could share in his excitement, usually I would but today was my date Dallas.

He was gonna picked me up from Mable's place today, driving the car fast as possible while still trying to preserve life we arrived at our destination.

Getting out of the car I unbuckle him and he runs off, going into the house I saw a familiar face talking to Mabel.

It was the guy that helped me last night, " your early today," Mable says as she address me.

I was still to perplex my the view infornt of me, I'm surprise that the same guy who is a jackass can act this well behaved.

"Oh my you two haven't meet, Lamar this is Hector my cousin and Hector this is Lamar he's the person that I've been telling you about," she says.

"You didn't tell me he was the color guy that was Dallas mate," he said.

"You know I raised you better than that," she said sternly to him.

"I'm sorry, nice to meet you cousins in-law," he says cynically.

I just didn't have the time for him, there was too much things happening in my life.

"I hate to ask you but could you watch Gray for me, Dallas is taking me on a date," I tell her.

"Of course," she reply's, I'm glad that I could count on her for support.

"Thanks," I said and we chat a little between the three of us but I couldn't enjoy myself because everything Hector said annoyed me.

"Look who I found," Curtis says as he came into the room and behind came Dallas.

He was in faded jeans and plaid
shirt, it only showed that this man looked good in anything.

"Evening everyone," he says but his eyes were only focus and me from the moment he entered the room.

I smiled at him, he couldn't come at a greater time, I love Mabel she's a gem but I was this close to killing Hector if he insulted me one more time.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys but we have plans," Dallas says.

"Its okay you young people go enjoy yourself," Mable says. I couldn't be more relived to leave Hector's company.

I walk over to Dallas and we both head outside to his car, "so did you tell your boyfriend about our date," he ask me with jealousy in his voice.

I was amused by his reaction, I was gonna tell him the truth here and now but I wanted to tease him a little bit.

"No I didn't but I can tell him now if you want me too," I said. "Sure I would love to see your soon to be ex," he says smugly.

"Sure, hey Gray can you come here for a bit," I yell over the fence into the back yard.

In no time the side gate is open and Gray and Blanca run out.

"There's a guy here that's wants to meet you," I said to him.

"Is he a good guy," he ask me
"Well Squirt that's up to you," I said pointing at Dallas.

"Ah he's a good guy," Blanca said cheerful, "if Blanca say so," Gray reply's, I'm so happy he could have a friend he can trust.

Walking towards his Van we stop in front of Dallas and lift Gray into my arms, "so this is the guy in my life, his name is Gray," I said introducing him to Dallas.

A Mate For Dallas (Lone Star Pack 2)Where stories live. Discover now