Some answers

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Lamar's POV

"Your cousin tell me about him," I said while sitting around the desk in Waco's office.

This place was dirty and full of filt, I remembered when we just got the room it was a mess with garbage everywhere.

Looking around his office I could understand why, from what I've gather from him, he's a kid in a mans body.

"Well things will change around here," I thought as I took in the state of his office,

"What do you want to know," Waco looked at me as I was spinning his chair.

"Well your cousin, I need to know about him, everything," I tell him.

"There isn't much, to tell actually," Waco informed me," Waco informed me.

After my talk with Waco I knew that I was royally fu*k, "how could I be his MATE."

According to Waco that creep even followed me last night, I can't get close to him because wolves are very territorial creatures and if I'm his mate he's gonna be possessive of me.

I don't need a watch dog in my life, plus there's Gray and I can't let out our secret.

Making up my mind I decided to help Waco's little business and get a profit, so we can hightail it out of werewolf country.

But first thing, I need some place to stay, after finding about Waco's business, I didn't want Gray to be hurt if anything happened here.

So I had two big problems the moment finding a new place to live and staying far as possible from Beta Dallas McAllen.

Dallas POV

I knocked on the oak door and waited on the patio for my gran gran to answer. it took a while but she finally open the door.

She was one of our pack former Lunas, but she had a gentle nature, seeing here again I'm reminded how she was always told us stories and myths about the wolves.

As we enter she lead me into the kitchen and I see several kids as I follow behind her, she takes a seat in one of her stools around the island.

She's looks at me and ask, "you know I'm retired right," as she puts on her Luna face.

I was tongue tied for a minute as I looked at my grandma, I've never seen her this way before.

"Eh hem," I coughed, "sorry about barging in on you unannounced but I need your...," "ahhhhhh, ahhhh," I was cut off mid sentence by a baby crying.

"Tate can you get Benjamin for me,"  my grandma Shout's, 
"Sorry about that, what were you say," asked me.

"Do you operate a daycare," I ask her, "yes in fact I do and this house is also an orphanage," she says while using her hand to gesture to the house.

I was taken back by her statement, why are so many things happening on pack land without my knowledge.

I wanted to ask if uncle Texas knew, but I already had my answer when I saw a teen come in with a baby in his hand.

His face was familiar, he was a weak rouge we capture hunting
on our land, we had determine he was harmless and Texas said he would have taken care of it..

He came in and gave a crying baby to my grandma, she cradled the baby and song to him.

It was the same sing, "growl baby you'll have the moon soon, just be a wolf oh little one for the moon will rise," as she sings and I'm  transported back to my childhood.

These were some of my founder childhood memories, she was rocking him her arms while she song and he started to fall asleep.

But before the baby could fall asleep my phone rings and starts  playing, "I'm the one," the noise jolts the baby awake and my grandma looks at me angrily.

I left the kitchen and went into another room to answer the call, "Hello Dallas I need you at the pack house right away," my uncle says over the phone.

I guess I'll have to talk to my grandma about Lamar another day.

I was gonna go tell her I was leaving but when I turn to move I saw a picture.

They were two person's in the photo. I don't usually become emotional but it hurt deep.

This picture was a remainder of how much I miss my cousin, in the photo was Plano and I, the picture was taken while he carried me on his back.

He was my favourite cousin, he would play with me no matter what.

Being three years apart I took him for my older brother, Plano
and I were inseparable and we did everything together.

One week I fell from a cliff and broke my legs, it was the first time I wasn't by his side.

Two days after that, we couldn't find Plano, he went missing and no one knew what happened.

I still blame myself for his disappearance, if I wasn't sick I would have been by his side to protect him.

Even after seventeen years after his disappearance, I'm still haunted by it.

Seeing him in my dreams as he begged me to find him had become one of my many nightmares.

When everyone gave up even uncle TeX, I still looked and I still am. But nothing hasn't turn up about him. "But I know Plano is out there and I won't stop looking for him," I tell myself.

"Are you okay mister," a little girl that was sucking her thumb came up and ask me.

When she pull on my hand, I wake up from the trance I was in, looking down at here she was the cuties thing I've ever seen.

"Hey I'm Dallas, nice to meet you," I bend down and told her, as I stretch out my hand and we shuck hands.

She was such a little cutie, she wanted me to meet her friends. She had two dolls in her hand and she introduce me to Talia and Yella her best friends.

And I couldn't say no so I joined her friends and her.

To be continue, please tell me should he adopt this cute girl what are your opinion.

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