Remove the mark

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Lamar's POV

The door was open by Waco, he was in a rainbow color brief, brushing pass him.

I enter his room and drop the blood diary on the table, "this better be good, because your interrupted my sleep," Waco says to me.

"Sorry to disturb you but something major happened today," I told him, "What happen," he asked me forcefully.

"Your Beta mark me and now my body can't calm down," I said to him as I reveal to him my mark.

"Wow! You guys are moving fast," he whistle's and says. "Are you crazy this happen by accident its a mistake," I tell him.

"Did he force it on you, did you say no to the mark," he asks me while he puts on his night robe.

I gulp because he was right although I don't want this mark, I didn't say no when he was marking me.

"Another question did you two have intercourse as yet," he ask.

"No but that's not the godda-," I said before he cut me off and said, "the only problem here is you need my cousin to finish the mating and all problems will go away."

"You don't understand, I don't need a mate or want one now," I tell him back. "Well you already accept the Mark, so you can either suffer or you can have sex with your mate, the choice is yours," he says to me.

"No offense but I didn't come for your advice and this issue," I told him. "So why did you wake me up," Waco shuts at me.

"I need a lot of blood to cast this spell and I'm anemic, so I need your blood," I told him while running my eyes over his body.

"No no, this ain't happening you psycho witch," he says shaking his hands at me and walking away in protest.

After Waco reluctantly agreed, I collect his blood, I use a drop of my blood to combined with his

"Move back," I told him and recited, "tenho aluminu regadio."
I poured the blood on the diary and it started to reveal what I asked for.

The blood diary was something that I found in my childhood home before running away with Stewart.

It had a spell for everything, but it needed a huge amount of blood to activate the book.

"There is no way to undo mating but if a wolf had not finish the mating there is still away, you must follow the steps below," I read to myself.

I continue reading, " virgins blood, flesh of the dead and some other extreme stuff but the most gruesome thing is you have to kill the person whom mark you and do the spell while he's dying."

"Could I kill him, was this the only way," I ask myself.

I didn't hate him nor did I want any harm to come to him, the simple thought of anything happening made my heart hurt.

It was like my heart was being crushed with and invisible force, when I picture him in my mind all I could think of was his sculpture body that was been hidden by all the cloths he had on, I remember how hard his muscles were as I ran my had over his body today in the kitchen.

Thinking back as I run my hand on his shaved head while his lips left marks all over my body.

I couldn't do it even if I wanted to, the moment we meet again, I might even through myself at him.

"What will I do, killing him is  impossible and I don't want anything to happen to him," I thought.

"Why don't you just kill him temporarily," Waco says. "What do you mean Waco," I ask him with a confused looked.

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