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Lamar's POV

"Who is Marybelle," Dallas asked me, getting up immediately, "how do you know that name," I asked him.

"Gray he had a nightmare and he dreamed about her coming for him, the poor kid was scarred," Dallas says.

"He doesn't have to be I'm here to protect him," I said to Dallas.

"I know you can protect him but who's going to protect you," he holds my hand and ask me.

"I don't need anyone's protection and especially not yours," I yell at him and pulled my hand form his.

"I know your strong and can take care of yourself but I want to take care of you because I love you Lamar," he says as he gets up form the chair and stands in front of me.

Hearing him say the words makes me want to tell him how I feel as well but I couldn't.

"Dallas I now you love me but I don't need or want your love," I lied to him.

"You know that's a lie, why are you doing this to yourself? What is it your running form," he says to me as he holds my shoulder and looks into my eyes.

Looking into his clear Grey eyes I could see how much my rejection had affect him.

I was hurting as well, "I have to go Dallas," I said then moved off and ran.

"What are you doing," he says , "I'm going to get Gray then leave town," I informed him.

"Are you crazy where you going to go, for the moon sake you don't even have a car," he reminds me.

"I'll figure it," I said, truth be told I don't know what to do or where we would even go, everything is gone and I don't have any money.

But I can't get Dallas involved in my problems.

"Will you just talk to me please Lamar," he says with so much hope in his voice.

"Dallas I can't," I tell him, "good so your gonna keep on lying to me, tell me is Lamar even your real name," he yells at me.

Seeing him angry like this because of me broke my heart but it hurt more to know that he thought that of me.

"No Lamar isn't my real name, the name my father gave me was Leopold Segas Blood, I change it after grays dad saved me form the hell hole that was my life," I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drag up bad memoires," he said.

"Do you know what its like to be tortured every day of your life form morning till midnight," I asked him.

"No I don't," he said and looked at me apologetically. "Off course you wouldn't know because while you were here training and playing, my own father practice all forms of forbidden spells on me," I informed him.

"He would make me cry in pain until I fainted, I got so use to the pain that it didn't hurt at one  point until one night he just left, vanish into thin air," I said to him.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help you then but I want to now," Dallas said.

"Haha," I laugh and said, "you have no idea what you would be getting yourself into," I informed him.

"I don't care," Dallas says as he takes the first step towards me.

"You know that the only reason I went on the date was so I could kill you right," I said as I tried to push him away.

"You must have had a good reason for wanting me dead," he smiles at me and say.

"No, I want to undo the mark you put on me and you have to be near deaths door for the spell to work," I shout out.

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