Gather information

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Dallas POV .

"I said no boy," my aunt yelled,
"Aunt Katy you know your the most beautiful creature in the pack," I say.

"Not as beautiful as your mate I presume," she sneaker. "That's a lie beautiful can't begin to describe my chocolate bartender."

"Ha your uncle tried that line on me as well," she said. "Did it work," I asked.

"You've meet Killeen and Waco, so you tell me,"she says. " So that's a yes mam, so can you spy on him for me?" I ask for her again.

"Boy I know you ears are pierce, so I won't repeat myself again you hear,"  she says and points a finger at me.

"I hope the  pictures of a certain teenager when she was modeling in bikinis for playboys don't end up in Waco hands," I say as she is stepping through the door.

"Are you making a threat to your beloved aunt," she says angrily. "It depends is my beautiful aunt ready to help me get information on my mate,"

"You know I don't take kindly to threats," she warns. "I would nev...," she cuts me of half way.

"Boy I'm too old for games what do you want me to do for you," she then says.

I explain to her what I need to be done, "I hope this is taken care of those pictures are destroyed," she says.

"Yes once its taken care of," I agree while nodding my head. "See you later my favorite aunt," I said and left her office.

My mood was great, although everything with my mate was not going my way, I'm still happy.

Now that I've got my aunt on my side, it should me easy to get every piece of information about him. My aunt was a hard nut to crack, the only thing I had on her were the pictures of her when she use to model.

My dad gave them to me to use as a trump card against my aunt. I've been saving it up so long and now it can be put to good use.

Lamar POV

Today was a Saturday so Gray was home with me, he was a quite and didn't complain much.

He was well behaved and never throw a tantrum. He made it easy to be his parent. I've been around enough people to know I got a good kid.

After giving him his morning cereal, I turn on the busted TV and we couldn't find a single kid friendly channel.

So I put parental control on my phone and tune into a kid channel on YouTube and gave it to him.

I went outside to throughout the garbage, coming back in, I meet the guy from last night standing at my door.

He smiled at me, "good morning can I help," I ask. "Yes you can go to dinner with me tonight," he says.

"Sorry can't, I have a kid plus I'm don't go out," I tell him and start to push him from my door but he wouldn't budge.

"It could be fun I promise," he says then his eyes change color, they turn Neon. "great another wolf," I thought. I gave him a smile and pulled out my taser and electrocuted him.

He fell on the ground and started to shake like crazy, Its a good think that I learned to defend myself against ever supernatural known to man.

Looking at the werewolf on the ground for example, they are weak against electricity when there in  human form, a good shock to the neck would usually knock one right out.

So one shock and they can't turn and are paralyzed. To ensure up doesn't get up, I shock him one more time and drag his unconscious body into my room.

"Uncle what are you doing," Gray gets up and ask me. "He's one of my friends he just drunk a little too much and begin were friends I'm gonna take care of him," I lie to him.

"Is it like how you take care of me," he ask, "yeah squirt," I said.
"Can I help your friend as well," Gray say to me.

"Sure can you help me lift him,"
We both grab apart of him, Gray had his legs and I his hands.

We put him in the bath, "Grayson thank you for the help, go outside and wait on me okay," I tell him.

He leaves the bathroom, I turn on the pipe and fill the bathtub. Once its fill I turn off the water.

Cutting my finger I allow a few drops of blood to fall into the water then I cast the incantation, "Alon Astor fragments keep him locked,"

I gave him two slaps, "PLOW PLOWW!" the sound echoed in the bathroom and he woke up, he slowly registered what was happening to him and open his eyes.

"Nice to see your awake," I told him. "Where am I and why can't I feel my legs or my hand." He ask.

"Your in my bathroom and don't worry you still have your hands and feet for now," I tell him.

"What did you do to me," he screams at me frantically. " hey I'm not the bad guy your the one that hassle me."

"So that gives you the right to knock me unconscious and trap me in your apartment," he says.

"Yes it does, listen very carefully, I'm gonna ask you some questions and you better be truthful or I'll drop this taser in the bath. So if you agree now your head," I said while dangling the taser over the bathtub.

"Raise your hand slowly from the water and put it on the bath edge and no funny business are you'll be fried like a chicken ," I said and took his hand in my hand.

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