Week in London

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Warning! Long Chapter ahead ;) 

I couldn't wait to leave America. To have a amazing stress free week and just too hopefully forget about everything. Who wouldn't want too stay a week in London? Sight seeing, hot chocolates in the cold weather, messy buns, oversized sweaters and the accent.

There were two things that I wasn't actually looking forward too. The twins and all the guys under the same roof. The twins didn't bother me that much because I knew Daphene would fight my battle. Even though we've had a big bust up, I knew I got my best friend back yesterday in the lunch room. The 'preach it sister' said everything.

Now the guys. I was nervous about that. I had two of my best friends who I liked and they liked me. Then there was Control who had taken a big brother role. Tyler was the enemy of everybody else but the crush that I had forever. Then there was Blake. A guy who was more like a gay best friend but straight.

I was currently waiting with other students to go to London. I was one of the first ones to arrive and I knew it because none of my friends hadn't turned up yet.

The first person to arrive was Daphene. She was walking towards me with a smile and I stood up and walked halfway too met her. Once we met we both started rambling.

"I'm sorry" We both say at the same time.

"No don't be" It carried on.

"I love you"

After that we both started to giggle. Without hesitating we both squeezed each other in a hug.

I released her and stepped away "A free boy drama week?"

She nods her head eagerly "Sure and I promise to not go of with the twins. Ever again"

I smile widely "Good. That was the most painful thing to see and whenever you feel it's right you should tell me why you've been so moody lately"

She frowns "Oh that. I promise I will. So tell me the gossip about you and Tyler"

"Thought it was meant to be a free boy drama week?"

She punches me lightly in the shoulder "Oh come on, just tell me. You have had a crush on this boy for like ever"

I laugh "I crashed into the back of him and instead of paying for the damage, he asked me to go on a date with him"

She wiggles her eyebrows "Sounds good. Do you always go after football players? And speaking of boys that you are currently dating, look who's walking our way"

I don't answer her question and look straight ahead. Heading our way was Carter, Rider and Blake. I totally forget about Blake and jut stare at Carter and Rider.

They both could be mistaken for twins. They have their hair gelled to perfection, their white T-shirts hug their muscles, their jeans hang low and their smirks are wide. The only thing that tells them apart is Riders famous jacket.

"Hey guys" I greet them when they reach us.

Carter and Rider lean down and peck a kiss on both sides of my cheek.

"Aren't you still mad at us?" Carter questions.

I sigh "A little but I just want to forget all about and just enjoy my week in London"

Rider sits down and slings his arm around my shoulder "That's good babe"

Carter smirks at me "Wanna hear one of my new pick up lines?"

I roll my eyes "Go on then"

Carter grabs my hand and starts to play with my fingers while looking into my eyes "My dick just died can I bury it in your vagina?"

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