Your no puppet of mine

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“What the fuck was that all about?” I ask Rider as he slurps away on a milkshake.

After what had happened in the lunch room Rider carried me out to his car and then took me to Sallies Diner. It was this cute little place where most kid’s hangout and they sell the most tasteful food ever! I’m not joking. I’m a sucker for food.

“I was teaching him a lesson” He replies.

“Teaching him a lesson? You nearly fucking killed the kid” I exaggerate.

“Look Shortie-Pie the guy needed to be taught a lesson. No one and mean no one apart from me and Carter can talk to you like that. I didn’t like what he said to you and therefore I taught him a lesson” Rider smirks.

“He was joking Rider. People can mess about with me” I scowl at him.

Rider let’s out sigh while running his hands through his messy hair “Look Maddie-May”

Oops shit just got serious.

“If one guy gets caught talking to you like that then other people are going to think that it’s okay to talk to you like that. Ever since me, you and Carter became friends a lot of people wanted to break that friendship. Especially guys. I’m not going to let some ass just take away your innocence. You’re worth more than that” He grabs my hand rubbing little circles with his thumb.

“Okay I get your point. I just wanted you to understand that Control is not like that. Yeah I might not even know the guy properly but I just get one of those feelings. I’m not going to like and say that I don’t think he’s cute because he is but that doesn’t mean I’m going to jump in to bed with him. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?” I plead with him.

He nods “Yeah I get what you mean. I’m just full-filling out a promise that I made to someone”

My eyebrows wrinkle in confusion “What promise Rider?”

His worry line on his head appears. This meaning that he’s nervous “I can’t tell you”

I slam my fist down in anger “You can’t do that to me Rider! Just tell me who you made a fucking promise too”

We had gained the whole Diner’s attention. Who really gives a shit though? I really did hate it when people do that. They keeping something from you that concerns you, they then bring up in a conversation; then after asking them what they mean they give you the whole ‘I can’t tell you.’

Rider slams up from the table throwing a 20 on the table and briskly walks out of the diner. I have to run to catch up with him.

“Doing what’s best Rider? Running when you can’t handle a situation” I sneer at him.

“You know what Maddie fuck you. You wouldn’t even understand! You never do! You treat me and Carter as your own puppet’s and act like the world revolves around you!” He shouts at me.

Not going to lie his words did hurt. A tear falls from my eye dropping to the floor.

Looking up to Rider I whisper “I’m sorry”

Rider’s head instantly snaps towards mine. Taking one step towards me it’s like he’s debating with himself whether to come to me or not. Giving me one last look he runs towards his car, climbs in and drives off leaving me at Sallies Diner.

Great not only did I have no way of getting home which is like three miles from here it looked like it was going to rain as well. Shoving my hands in too my pockets I start to make the journey home.

I must have been walking for about 30 minutes now. My teeth are slightly chattering due to the fact that I’m drenched and I must have cried about twice now. Could my day get any worse?

The Player and the Bad BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ