Some friends to the end

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05.08.2007. That was the day that my whole world came crashing down. That day I lost two people who I devoted on. My twin brother and my father. That day I lost the whole meaning of family.


“Baby, I promise you we won’t be long. The reason why I’m taking Cale is because we need to have a man to man chat. I promise to bring you, your favourite ice cream back!” My dad tells me after I throw a strop.

“Okay. Pinky promise?” I say smiling.

“Pinky promise” My dad hooks our pinkies together and seals the promise.

Once letting my pinky go, he picks me up and crushes me too his chest.

“Be good for mommy while I’m gone baby and remember that I will always love you” My dad whispers in too my ear before releasing me.

There I sat in my ten year old form waving goodbye to my twin brother and dad. I didn’t know at that age I was saying goodbye for ever.

1 hour and 30 minutes later…

The loud shrill of a phone cuts me from my favourite TV program.

“Mommy phone” I shout.

My mom comes and picks the phone up. After a couple minutes of the other person on the other end speaking my mother tells me the news.

“The car that your dad and brother was driving in has been found at the bottom of winterback cliff. They haven’t found their bodies and most likely won’t. They’re probably dead.” She tells me with a blank face then walks out of the room.

I broke down instantly.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

End of flashback…

Ever since that day they had never found the bodies and I just couldn’t understand why. I blamed everyone for their death but never themselves. I blamed myself for never stopping them or going with them. I blamed my mom for letting them go. I blamed the police for not trying well enough. I blamed winterback cliff. I even blamed the makers of the car.

That day I also lost my mom.

I cried for the day I lost the two people I love the most. I cried because I lost my twin. I cried because I lost my dad. I cried because I missed them. I cried because my life was never the same as that.

A knock at the door brings me away from my emotional state.

“Come in” I whisper hoping that they would have heard me.

Carter then walks through the door with red puffy eyes and a runny nose. I wasn’t the only one who found this day hard. Cale was a best friend to Carter just like Rider. Carter also looked up to my dad as a dad since his dad died serving in the army.

Carter climbs in to my bed and pulls me close to him. Rubbing his big hands up and down my back he tries to soothe me.

“Stop the tears remember the memories. Cale wouldn’t want to see you like this.” Carter mumbles in to my ear.

“Don’t you tell me this ever year?” I answer.

“Yeah I do but there’s a reason why. Every year it’s like a ritual I come in here and find you like this. I say that and then we remember a memory of Cale and it always brings a smile to your face” He tells me.

“Okay whatever Mr I know it all” I chuckle.

“Well come on then, give me a memory” He whispers.

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