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Do you know what is more worse than having no good food at an all you can eat buffet? It is having a hangover from hell. If I can actually give you any good advice it would be do not drink alcohol. Only in small amounts. It felt as though the tiny brain minions were trying to break out and escape. That was how bad my hangover was.

Fuck. I just remembered that I have to school today. You’re such a genius Maddie-May. Which idiot decides to drink the night before school? That’s right me and every other idiot that decided to go to Blake’s party. Damn you Blake and your good parties with your good alcohol.

Well there’s really no point staying home and feeling sorry for myself. Dragging my body out of bed I find two pain killers with a glass of water on my bedside table. They were probably from Libby who is my personal maid. I get it I know that I’m rich but that doesn’t make me a snobby brat. Taking the medicine I make a mental note to make sure that I thanked Libby for what she had done.

After finishing getting ready for school I make way down to the kitchen and I’m suddenly hit with the smell of pancakes. Yum. Libby knew me too well. Food was my absolute hangover cure.

Reaching the kitchen I see that there’s a stack of pancakes waiting for me and I start to scoff them down. After finishing about two pancakes Libby finally joins me at the table.

“Mmm Libby these are absolutely great. Also thank you for the pain killers you left for me” I smile at her.

With a chuckle she replies “No problem Maddie just make sure that you do not come home drunk when your mother is around”

Rolling my eye’s I say “When is my other ever around? Speaking of her is she coming home tomorrow for the anniversary of their death’s?”

Libby sighs “Unfortunately not. She said that she is too busy with her work”

I instantly slam my fist down on the table “That inconsiderate lying bitch! Too busy with her work that’s complete bullshit. Is there something wrong with me? It’s like I don’t exist with her. She just makes me so mad!”

“Woah calm down Maddie. One get it in to your brain that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. If there was something wrong with you, do you think I would have stuck around all these years? And I understand what you mean with your mom. It’s like she’s hiding something but I just can’t put my finger on it” She says worry clearly swimming within her eye’s.

“Thank you Libby. You always know what to say. Also I want to thank you for being around all these years. You have acted more like a parent then she has” I say and then lean over gently kissing her cheek.

The conversation is left at that. Speaking of my mom is a touchy subject. Ever since my brother and dad died she just didn’t want to know me anymore. To me it felt like my mom had passed away with my brother and dad. The only time I would ever see her was when it was an emergency or it was a quick skype call on my birthday.

All I wanted was to spend some time with my mom. She was the only family that I had left.

Picking up my keys for Killer I start to make my way to school. Driving on Killer was the only time I felt free. The wind blowing through my hair and the smile on my face was evidence that I had forget all about my troubles.

I finally make it too school and jump off Killer and jump in to Daphene’s arms.

She smirks at me “Guess what I got?”

Pulling my pervy face I say “What did you get?”

She chuckles “I got my super best friend meatballs from subway”

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