Whipped Cream Feelings

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“Look I already told you both that I’m not coming to that party tonight. I’m having a sleepover with Dappers at mine tonight” I complained to them both.

Currently I was at Rider’s and Carter’s practice while I was waiting for Daphene to finish up at cheerleading practice. I was hungry. Which made me tired and irritated. Then I had these two jack-asses nagging at me to go to a party tonight!

“Chill Nibbles, we get it, you’re having a sleepover” Carter said while holding his hands up defensively.

“Yeah well if you two asses didn’t stop nagging me and actually listened to me in the first place then maybe this wouldn’t have happened” I stressed out to them both.

“So Shortie-Pie are we invited to this sleepover? Do we get to come sleep in our underwear and have pillow fights with you both?” Rider asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

Tomato’s represented the colour of my cheeks by the time he had finished asking. Rider had made me blush which normally didn’t happen. Before I even had time to reply to the question their coach was interrupting our conversation politely telling them to get their arses back on the field.

Nice save coach!

Before making their way back to the field both of them shot me a smirk obviously knowing that they had manage to embarrass me.

Of course I was a girl and I had emotions but I hardly ever blush at their rude comments. Anyways cheerleading practiced had finished and I started to make my way down the bleachers to meet Daphene who was currently walking across it to meet me. Our school could afford two fields which would alternative between every sports group.

“Hey good practice today. Love the whole flippy thing that you did today” I tell her while hugging her.

Releasing me she chuckles “Don’t give me that bullshit. You wasn’t even watching, you were too busy talking to Rider and Carter”

“In my defence those arses wouldn’t leave me alone. I was politely telling them to do one but you know them both they never stop until they get what they want.”

“Mhh-Hmm I hear you girl. Anyway you hungry? Because I’m absolutely starving and fancy a subway”

Queue the drooling “Oh I’m up for a subway”

Looking over at the football team they’re currently having a break so I make my way over to Rider, Carter and Blake.

“Just thought I’d come and say goodbye to guys since were going. Rider and Carter please no funny busy tonight. No fights, no drink driving and use a condom. Same for you Blake. Also please, please, please don’t disturb us tonight!” I desperately beg them.

“Whoa chill mom. We all promise no fights, drink driving and we will use a condom. But I can’t promise you about later” Carter says with the other two nodding their heads.

“Just whatever. I give up with you three” They all snicker at me. All three of them hug me goodbye and then I go to Daphene who’s patiently waiting for me.

“You ready to go get some food madders?” She asks while grinning.

“You know it” I reply.

After driving to the nearest mall which is about fifteen minutes away we finally make it to a subway. We both order a foot long each with a load of different foods inside it. We’re growing girls! We need our food! As we patiently wait for our food we start a conversation about cute boys within our school.

“So you’re telling me that you cannot think of anyone in our school that you would actually jump their bones?” Daphene says.

“Not too loud Dappers” I mutter as we had gained the whole customers attention “If you give time to actually answer then you would know!”

The Player and the Bad Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن