The Hot New Boy

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  • Dedicated to To all my beautiful readers!

School. Doesn’t everyone hate it? I would love the day that someone actually came up to me and admitted that they actually liked school. Sure there is certain parts of school that we all like. Seeing friends, some awesome school trips and then the breaks that we get throughout the day.

One reason I really hate school is the gossip mill and the bitching that happens. You go and tell someone about one thing that has happened and its spreads like wildfire within twenty minutes. For example the fact that me and Daphene had fallen out spread like mad. It spread before the end of the weekend. I trust Tanya and know it wasn’t her but I mainly blame Daphene. The only person I had talked too was Control, so she must have spoken to someone for it already to spread around school.

You know what the horrible fact is though? I was walking in to school and my gut feeling was telling me it was already going to be one chaotic day.

Rider meets me half way down the hallway and he flings his arm around my shoulders “It can’t be that bad can it?”

I look up at him and frown “It is when she basically calls me a whore and I call her one of your toys”

His fingers start to trace small circles on my shoulder “Ouch. It must be bad. Don’t worry though babe, you and Daphene never fight for long. You’ll be best buddies by the end of the day. Trust me”

I shiver at the word ‘babe’ and sigh “I don’t think it’s going to be that easy Rider. This is going to take a lot to get through. Were both stubborn and I’m not easily going to forgive her for calling me a whore. I also know she’s not going to forgive me for calling her one of your play toys”

He leans down and plants a small kiss at the side of my forehead “Everything will be okay in the end. Anyways come on, I know someone that can automatically cheer you up”

He removes his arm from around my shoulder and grips my arm and starts to run. I instantly relax around him and start laughing. I forget the fact that there’s other students in the hallway talking amongst themselves about me and Daphene.

Rider still drags me along until we reach Carter and the football team who are joking about near the lockers.

“Hey” Carter greets me.

“Hi” I murmur and then reach to hug him. His muscular arms circle around my waist which squeeze me tight. He finally let’s go of me but keeps a hold of my hand by entwining our fingers.

I greet the other guys that are standing around.

“She needs cheering up Carter and I know you can easily do it” Rider says smirking.

Carter smirks back at him as if they were having a secret conversation between them “Oh really? I bet I can make her laugh with just one try”

“Okay. Fifty bucks you can’t” I say.

Carter looks at me and grins “Baby I’m no Fred Flinstone, but I can make you bedrock”

Seriously a cheesy pick up line is meant to make laugh? Well it worked. Do you know when you start laughing and then somebody else laughs so you laugh harder? Well that was happening. I was bent over laughing with no noise coming out and slapping my knee like a retarded seal.

Once I controlled myself, I wipe a few tears that had leaked “Okay, I was wrong. You managed to make me laugh. Let me get you those fifty bucks”

Carter grins “I don’t want your money as a prize, I want a kiss on the cheek”

I nod my head, lean over and plant a soft kiss on Carters cheek. A girls sniggering made me stop. I lean back to see the culprits of the sniggering. Daphene and the twins.

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