Starbucks star

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Every once in a while of your life you do become fed up of it. You feel irritated, lonely, annoyed, depressed and confused. You want to express your feelings too someone but when the opportunity comes around you always reply 'I'm fine'. That's what I was feeling like.

I was confused with everything. Do I go with Rider? Do I go with Carter? Do I try and work my magic on Control? Do I date somebody else? Should I ask Blake on a date? Eww. Forget I even asked that.

Then too top of my dating problems I had some physco guy out there trying to kill me. How does one guy even compliment and threaten too kill a girl in the same text message? A weirdo.

I needed time away from everything and everyone. Well not everyone just Carter and Rider. I would also be getting away from the city when we went away with school but I just needed the day away. So I offered to meet Daphene and Tanya at a Starbucks in the next town.

"So your telling me that Rider managed to live up too the whole bad boy image but managed too be cute at the same time?" Tanya asks.

"Yeah it was so cute but so Rider at the same time" I gush at her.

"Aww. Lucky bitch. Daphene don't you think she's really lucky to have the hottest boys at our school chasing after her?" Tanya asks Daphene.

"Mhhm" She mutters while staring down at her mug.

I wonder why she was being like that. Ever since Tanya had asked me how the date had gone with Rider she had quietened down. It was like she had gone all moody. Maybe she was still ill.

"So did you guys kiss and what was it like?" Tanya asks another question about the date.

"It was really sweet, nothing like Rider's usual kisses" I tell her.

Daphene rolls her eyes at me and then glares down at her mug.

"Ignore her" Tanya says in Daphenes direction "So have you picked a guy yet? You've got us all in suspense" She laughs.

"No this is why I asked you guys to come here. I'm just confused about everything and I need your help"

Daphene looks at me "Want my advice?"


"To be totally honest with you, you need to stop whoring around and quit messing with Riders feelings"

Wow. Talk about bitch slap to the face.

"Woah. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Tanya asks her.

She answers "Nothing. I'm just telling her what everybody else is afraid too tell her. She messing with two guys at the same time. It's wrong."

I stop her there "Woah. Wait there a minute. When I told you how I really felt you were the one to encourage me too play them both off. What's changed?"

"What's changed? What's changed? Your asking me that? Riders changed that what! He isn't the same anymore!"

I scoffed at her "Riders changed? How would you know! Sure he's changed his players ways and isn't playing off so many girls at one time. I think it's really funny how you say he's changed. No offence but you wouldn't have known Rider if it wasn't for me... Unless your one of his play toys?"

Her face goes bright red "I was never one of his play toys and even if I was that has nothing to do with you!"

"Fine I completely understand that. I get that it's none of my business. But don't go butting yourself in to my business and blaming me for something I haven't done. Daphene you need too take a closer look at who's changed until then you can go fuck yourself." I say to her before leaving the restaurant.

The Player and the Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now