It's you...

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It had been a whole week since being back in America. Not once had I talked too Daphene, Carter or Rider. A little part of me felt guilty for not talking too any of them, but then another part felt so angry.

It was like a small fire burning in my chest. I'd never felt pain like this apart from when I lost my dad and brother.

How could the three people I love the most hurt me as bad as this?

Apart from hurting like a bitch I was feeling fine. I did my daily duties, go too school then come home. The only people I literally talked too were Control, Blake, Tyler and Tanya.

Luckily I hadn't heard from stalker guy, but let's not jinx it right? Cause something's always got too go wrong.

As usual a knock comes at my door and I already know it's Control picking me up too take me too school.

I pick up my bag and head for the door seeing Control stood there smiling.

"You alright?" He says leaning down to give me a friendly peck on the cheek.

I wrap my arm around his waist as we walk too his car "Yep the usual happy me"

He gives me a comforting squeeze "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay then it's not the end"

There he goes with his quotes. We climb in too his car and it's a silent but comfortable ride to school. We reach school and he switches the engine off.

Control turns too me "You ready for this?"

I nod and climb out of the car. Control walks around the car and puts his arm around my shoulder.

The walk into school is agonising. Everyone stares but what hurts the most is too see them.

They stand in the popular area leant up against their cars. Rider and Carter look rough, their clothes are ruffled and their hairs a mess. Daphene doesn't look as bad but you can definitely see a difference in her.

Too get in too school we have too walk straight past them and it absolutely kills me too do it.

We start too walk past them and like everyday I can feel the burn of three states.

"Maddie" Daphene whispers.

I stop and turn too look at her. Her eyes are puffy with black rings. Her eyes start too tear up and that's when I feel my own tear fall. I give her a small smile, turn away and carry walking in too school.

We reach my locker and I break down in Controls arms.

"When will it stop?" I say.

"What?" He says.

"The hurting"

"Maddie" He says and squeezes me tight.

Control hugs me tight when we are interrupted.

"Can I speak too you please?" Daphene says.

Control sighs "I don't think it's a good time"

"Ok I understand"

"Wait" I muffle in too Controls chest.

I leave Carters arms and turn towards Daphene.

"Yeah, but let's go somewhere private" I say.

I turn towards Control "Can I borrow your car keys please?"

He nods and passes me the keys "Are you sure you want too do this?"

I smile "It has too be done at some point"

I turn away from him and start walking down the hall and towards the car with Daphene on my feet.

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