thirty three

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oh baby don't you know, all of these tears gon' come and go
baby you just gotta make up your mind
that every little thing is gonna be alright

She finally awoke, nearly blinded by the bright artificial lighting that consumed her vision entirely. She first thing she felt was the insane rush in her head, it was the biggest headache she probably ever experienced. She kept wincing as it pulsates, eyes closed as she was scared to meet the white environment that surrounded her once more.

The second thing she noticed was how dry her mouth was. It was insanely dry. She needed a glass of water, so she tried to sit up but stopped once her ribs hurt with every sharp inhale she took. She instantly led back down, covering her eyes with her arms.

She tried to open up her eyes again, this time taking another look at the room she was in. She was in a hospital room - then it all made sense. The last thing she remembered was getting beaten to a pulp before giving up and sinking into the floor like liquid...and now she was here.

She gathered enough energy to sit up without so much pain to look around the room, seeing a small plastic chair in the corner with a curly haired boy residing in it. Millie smiled at the familiar face, yearning to be within his touch the moment she laid eyes on him. Knowing that he was in the same room as her made her automatically feel safe as she allowed her muscles to relax.

His neck was at an awkward angle and from what she could see at her distance, his eyes seemed red.

"Finn." She called, her voice was hoarse but it was loud enough to make Finn jump slightly, smiling before seeing her eyes finally open.

"Fuck, Millie you scared me."

Millie couldn't help out a little giggle at his body react to her sudden voice, but all of a sudden laugh more once she saw the realisation on his face when he realised she was finally awake.

So, he was up next to her side, grabbing her hand as he left a gentle kiss on the back of it.

"Hey." He said softly, grip tight - tight enough to ensure her he wasn't going anywhere. He felt so relieved in this moment, he tried not to let a tear slip seeing her in such a vulnerable state. Seeing a dark bruise that aligned her jaw was absolutely sickening, but he had to hold it together. His sad eyes reflected this with a forced smile on his lips.

"Hey." She whispered back, letting go of his hand and letting it tangle through his messy hair.
"Are you ok?"

"You're in a hospital bed, and you're asking me if I'm ok?" Finn questioned, laughing as he quickly wiped away a tear that escaped from his eye. Millie knew it looked stupid, but he really didn't look well kept. He looked tired, exhausted even, but even hearing her voice kept him kept him awake as he was so scared to fall asleep just in case.

"What's the time?"

Finn took his phone out of his pocket before clicking the round button, unavailing the time before shoving the phone back into his pocket.

"It's only 10:47pm. I think you have to stay overnight but you get to come home tomorrow." Finn told her, before grabbing her hand in his again. He really didn't want to let her go.
"Are you ok?"

Millie nodded, trying to sit up before wincing at the sudden jolt that pierced her body.

"Just stay led down, I'll go and get someone." Finn told her, before letting go of her and leaving the room to go and find a professional. The time in which he left her, her heart rate suddenly jolted.

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