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crash at my place, baby you're a wreck
needless to say, I'm keeping our check
i know you're scared of the unknown,
you don't wanna be alone

"So, I was wondering if I can stay with you until Friday, that's when your parents come back, right?"

"Right." Finn nodded, confused and still dazed from what he ingested previously but somehow his head was still clear when he was listening to her.

"Ok, then I'm going to my nans. There's no way I'm staying at that house."

Finn raised his head, if he was a puppy his ears would've don't that tilt thing that made Millie practically soften every time.

"Why don't you like staying there?" Finn practically begged, his muscles burned for her to finally answer the lingering question that ate at him every, single time he would see her come from there...all dull and lifeless.

"I just don't have the best relationship with my parents. I'll tell you everything, just not yet."

Finn nodded, feeling instantly empathetic towards the girl. It was better than nothing, he certainly wasn't going to push it tonight.

"Promise?" He questioned. He could sense the vulnerability under her eyes, he really felt it.


"Well, it's only 6. Wanna watch a movie?" He asked her, turning on his Xbox and grabbing two controllers from the side as he settled next to her on the bed. He wanted to shift the atmosphere, she needed to forget about what was going on in her messy mind and just relax.

"Sure." She smiled, moving over to give him some more room. The two lay side by side, arms touching as Finn felt an electrical pulse raise as soon as his hairs stood up all over his body. The urge to reach over and wrap his arms over her petite body was just unbearable.

The night grew long while watching two movies. The first one was Hot Fuzz, obviously Finn's choice. He swore to Millie that she would like it just because they're British, which she rolled her eyes at but sat in compliance and watched it. She would never admit it, but it was throughly enjoyed. The second film was To All The Boys I've Loved Before, it was Millie's suggestion. Finn enjoyed it, but like Millie, he would never admit to it.

Millie then feel asleep during reruns of That 70's Show, she just couldn't keep her eyes open.

Finn, on the other hand, was wide awake. Her swollen eyes were shut but her eyebrows were furrowed, and she had a pained look on her face that Finn couldn't stop looking at while he mirrored her expression. He wondered what she was dreaming about, why she was so distressed within unconsciousness?

He thought for a second that maybe he could wrap his small arms around her, maybe she would enjoy the general feeling of companionship - the warmth of another human. Well, it was an excuse to hold her in his arms at least once. He doesn't know what changed, from two weeks ago and calling her names and absolutely despising her presence to now, aching to know what it's like to feel her skin against his. He sounded like a pathetic, love struck teenager.

He was nearly 20 years old, a man. But somehow this girl had him reeling, the smell coming off of her was nothing but Vanilla which he found he couldn't get enough of. It was almost incising.

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