twenty six

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then I realise she's right there
and you're at home like damn, she can't compare
break up with your girlfriend, cause I'm bored

Millie somehow made her way off of his lap, this was hard enough as it is but her brain and body told her that she needed another drink. Noah was supposed to be there tonight, but he'd only just got back. He was picking Millie up from Sadie and Finn's the next day before Finn's parents come back. Millie was hoping Eric was off on another trip sometime soon so she could stay more.

Finn watched her walk into the house with Sadie on her arm, the red head made sure to shoot a few dancing brows at Finn out of amusement of the twos encounter before following Millie.

Finn took a deep breath once her body left his, quite a frustrating one may I add. It was funny, the affect she had on him, I mean. The affect was that much to an extent where Finn flicked the finished cigarette on the grass before following the girls inside and standing next to them in the kitchen, he really did look like her shadow that night.

"So, what time does everybody leave?" Millie asked, grabbing her red cup as she tipped her head back and drowned in its content. Sadie shrugged, mimicking her action as Finn couldn't help but be amused at the two.

"When they want." Finn said, taking Millie's cup from out of her hand. Millie gasped, looking towards Finn like he just stole her innocence. She needed the cup in her hand, I don't know, maybe it was the reassurance. Millie's feelings were all heightened right now, her feelings towards the boy were finally in her open mind and she couldn't stop smiling like a lunatic at the small action.

"Did I say you could have some of my drink?" Again, the confidence leaked through like thick venom and the flirtatious tone behind her voice was inevitable. The giggle that constantly left her lips whenever he did something idiotically stupid or something completely normal made her feel sick. Maybe in a good way and a bad way, she's finally found her worth and that was worth giggling like a little girl over.

"No, but I wanted a drink and I took yours. Problem?" He sassed, the two when alcohol hit their system was like completely different people. Although, they were the same they just had a liquid motivation to be themselves without any doubt lingering upon every word spoke. They were like two bickering 5 year olds trying to find at least anything to flirt about.

"Ok fuck face, carry on and see what happens."

Finn practically spit out the drink he was swallowing back into Millie's cup as she looked at him in disgust. His coughing was violet as he hit his chest with his fist, trying so hard to find his breath. Millie just stood there, laughing at his efforts as she was still pissed about his back wash being in her drink.

"Fuck face?" Finn was still laughing at the ridiculous nickname, breathing in and out slowly in order to catch his breath.
"I can't breathe, fuck that was a good one."

"It was supposed to be an insult." Millie rolled her eyes, strangely wanting to be within his contact.

"Well, I found it way more funny than insulting, I'm sorry to burst your bubble."

Millie pouted exaggeratedly as she stood in front of him. He was tall, he represented a tree and Millie's head fell just below his shoulder, she was practically looking up at him and batting her eyelashes in attempt to flirt. The alcohol was doing something to her because the more time went by, the more she wanted to be with him. He was in fact a contagious sick bug and she was a weak individual with a shitty immune system. 

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