twenty four

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it wasn't right, we forgot about the fight
she'll never be the same, she'll never be the same
and I'm the one to blame when you
got off that train

"Hey Millie, what're you doing here?" Sadie said, smiling at the unexpected guest walking toward her. Millie wanted to be truthful with her answer but she couldn't reveal exactly why she was in the house.

"I just thought I'd stay with you until I move in with my grandmother tomorrow."

Sadie didn't dare to ask why she was moving, she had a bad feeling about her mother as it is, she subconsciously knew why but never to it's full extent. So, she simply nodded, smile never leaving her face.
"Ok, so you're coming tonight right?" Sadie asked Millie.

She stood there confused, hairs standing up on the back of her neck as Finn walked in and joined her at her side. He leant his elbows on the kitchen island as he looked towards Sadie.

"Coming where?" Millie asked confused, looking backwards and forwards from the two.

"Finn! You didn't tell her!" Sadie scolded her best friend, reaching over and slapping his hand with her fingertips. He winced, pulling away as he rubbed the back of his hand, flipping Sadie off after the sting died down. He forgotten himself, mentally face palming once he was reminded. She could smell his scent making its way to her nostrils, like fresh linen.

"So, my parents aren't back until around midnight tomorrow, so we're going to have a party tonight."

Millie's eyes widened, she's never been to a party before and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that type of social situation that she would be put in.

"Uh, ok." She said, clearly uncomfortable.
"Is that why you wanted to stay home today? Because of the party?"

A part of Millie felt a little betrayed, she thought that he kept nagging on at her for him to stay for her. She assumed that he just wanted to spend time with her just for the mere fact that he wanted to hang out with her.

"No, I wanted to stay for you one hundred percent. this is just a bonus. You can come with Sadie and I to get all the necessities."

"So, you in?" Sadie asked the obvious uncomfortable Millie. She had to, she had no where else to go apart from Noah's and he was still on the field trip with his college. She thought for a second before nodding smally, letting out a small sigh from her nose. She had to experience these life events once in her damn sorrowful life, why not now.

"Fuck it, ok."

Sadie clapped her hands and Finn shook his head, stifling a small laugh as he grabbed his car keys.

"Ok, so we need a lot of disposable cups. Bin bags for the clean up, lots and lots of alcohol. We need a new aux lead for music considering someone lost my wire." Finn's eyes sent daggers towards Sadie, who just sunk into the stall under his stare.

"I've apologised so many times." She piped in but Finn just shook her comment off.

"And how are you paying for all of this?" Millie asked, fiddling with the ring on her middle finger.

"We always save up for a party and when we realise that we have enough then we throw one." Finn shrugged.

Millie suddenly remembered the time when she was led in bed, it was cold that night and she couldn't sleep because all she heard was loud music from across the street. They obviously had these parties a lot.

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