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my baby's insane
she brings all the rain
she just got home
she threw it all down the drain

With newly fresh cuts that hung to her skin like cling film, she walked out of the bathroom and into the living room once the blood stopped oozing from her arm. In a fucked in kind of way, she enjoyed watching the small dots of blood escape the layers of her skin and as she wiped them away, they grew back faster than the previous time.

Making sure that the cuts were no longer bleeding, she pulled her sleeve back down as she made her way into her bedroom with soft pads of her feet.

She nearly had a heart attack when she re-emerged into her bedroom to find a bundle of orange hair sat at the edge of her bed, playing with the ring on her middle finger nervously. Millie stumbled on her feet a little before clearing her throat, indicating her presence.

"Millie!" Sadie replied cheerfully, nervous demeanour now replaced with her normal, bubbly personality that made Millie tired just even being around her.

"What're you doing here?" Millie asked without some what of a greeting. Sadie didn't expect one though as her attitude did not dim in the slightest.

"We have a binding agreement, remember?"

"How could I forget?" Millie mumbled to herself as she continued staring at Sadie with an annoyed expression that Sadie chose to ignore.

"Your mom let me in." Sadie said, in effort to spark a conversation, Millie found how hard she was trying absolutely fucking painful as she nodded. "She was - pleasant." She lied through her teeth and Millie laughed at her pathetic attempt at the simple action of being untruthful. It took Sadie back, actually, it being the first time she heard some-what of a sincere laugh come from Millie's lips was foreign to her.

"She's a real peach." Millie half assed sarcastically, standing behind her bedroom door not really knowing what to do or say next. She felt awkward, the farthest thing she wanted to feel in her own safe haven. This was the one room where any of those kind of feelings were blocked out but here she was, feeling nothing but them.

"How're you feeling?" Sadie was the first to talk, she turned her head and her fiery hair that was restricted in her high pony tail flicked along with the movement, she looked preppy and determined.


It was Sadie's turn to laugh at the brunette, gaining a look of despair from her.

"How're you really feeling?" Sadie asked the same question again, knowing Millie's previous answer was utter bullshit.

"Not good." She corrected, "because of you and your friend, I'm stuck in this house, living with a woman who I despise and who - in fact - is incapable of being a mother. Shall I go on?"

"Millie, Finn was the one who came in the house in the first place to try and help you, which he did. I'm sorry you feel that way, I really am but-"

"Please," Millie whispered, scared to raise her voice because Sadie will see how much he's braking by their simple conversation. Millie was so fucking fed up that with even one mention of her life, she felt like she wanted to scream and cry like a toddler, her nose would become all tingly and the tears on her eyes would be quickly wiped away with a brush of Millie's sleeve. "Save it, I hate feeling like I'm someone you're trying to fix, you should just listen to your friend, there's no point."

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