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my v is for vendetta
thought that I felt better
but now I've got a bellyache

Finn didn't know what to do but to call Sadie, in which she immediately ran over to the house in favour. She was dressed up and Finn thought she looked gorgeous as she approached him.

"Ooo, what're your plans tonight?" He teased, poking her in the arm.

She brushed him off with her fingertips.

"I'm going out with Caleb, is Millie okay." She asked, worried about the girl upstairs.

"She can barely see her own hands in front of her eyes but she'll live." He shrugged, seeing a sudden look of disappointment wash over Sadie's face and his with concern.

"You okay?"

"I guess I'll just have to cancel my plans with Caleb." Sadie sighed, pulling her phone out of her pocket with a slightly annoyed sigh. Finn shook his head, grabbing her phone from her hands as she slapped him with her fingertips lightly.

"You can't do that, you've been looking forward to this night for a while, and ow."

Sadie furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Finn with the most annoyance her eyes could produce. She shook her head at him this time, snatching her phone back with such force that her phone case scratched the tip of Finn's finger; but he didn't let the obvious throbbing pain distract him from the conversation.

"It's not like I'm going to leave her, she's drunk off her ass." Sadie replied, unlocking her phone with the quickest movement of her thumbs.

"Why can't you call what's-his-face? Noah?" Finn mentioned, sitting down on his spiny chair that sat in the corner of her room. He heard the sound of gagging and sick hitting the toilet pan radiate from the bathroom, causing a grim look to rise upon his face.

"I can't do that." Sadie should feel angry or any ounce of annoyance but she didn't, she felt remorseful for Millie and even though she knew that wasn't what the brunette wanted, she couldn't help it even if she tried her hardest.

"I can't tell Noah anything, it's part of our agreement."

Finn rolled his eyes at his best friends stubbornness and loyalty as he noticeably groaned in defeat. He couldn't believe he was about to say it but they left him no choice as she scratched his forehead hesitantly.

"Look, maybe I could stay with her."

Sadie's head snapped up, it was the last thing she expected to leave his lips. He knew this girl for - just coming up to a week and he kept finding himself constantly saving her from herself.

"You'd do that?" Sadie asked, hopeful with a spark in her body language. Finn nodded, turning her around and pushing her towards the already opened front door.

"Yes, now leave before I change my mind."

"Wait!" Sadie halted, digging her heels into the wooden flooring in efforts to stop Finn from pushing her. It only helped a little as Finn was surprisingly strong for someone with scrawny arms.

"I need to say goodbye to Millie, to see if she needs anything before I go."

Finn shook his head once more, continuing to usher her out of the house.

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