twenty one

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baby you look happier you do,
i knew one day you'll fall for someone new
but if he breaks your heart like lovers do
just know that I'll be waiting here for you

The two were completely oblivious about the other ones feeling even a slight bit of liking towards each other when it was not slight at all. Millie knew that her walking out over a text message was over dramatic and absolutely irrational but she knew that if it went on any further then just staying in his room to sleep, she would end up getting the worse end of the stick.

She just knew it, it always happened. For example, right now. Last week, she was finally tucked up in his sheets and now...?

Now, she's entering her house with a thudding heart and sweaty palms.

It was a Wednesday, just around 7am when she finally pulled together the courage to open the door and let herself inside. She knew she would have to see Finn later in college as Wednesday's are the only day the two have college on the same day, so she plucked up the courage for that. She was going to act normal - as if nothing even happened (even when nothing literally happened).

She entered, it smelled like cigarettes and linen. She walked in slowly as her head turned to her right to see her father sat on the couch with a beer bottle settled in his hand. It was 7am.

Her heart immediately jumped and it felt like a kick to the stomach once her eyes set on him. This feeling became even worse when the man turned towards her and smiled.

"Millie!" He shouted, standing up onto his feet to give his 'daughter' a tight hug. She froze under his touch, even around his atmosphere made Millie shudder, basked in nothing but fear and anxiety as she never knew what was going to happen next.

But she needed to act like she didn't feel this way, at least for another week before she left to do to her grandmothers. Only 6 more days after this once, she'll get through it, she lives with it for years so this would be like a walk in the park - at least she hoped. She was completely denying the inevitable.

"Hey dad." She said back, loosely wrapping her arms around his body. She felt sick, physically uncomfortable but it was what she needed to do.

"How was Noah's?" Here he was, asking normal dad questions and greeting her like a normal father should when this was the complete opposite from reality.

"It was good." She nodded, but she needed an excuse to escape his hard grasp.
"Sorry dad, I know I haven't seen you much but I have college shortly, I need to go and get ready."

Robert let go of the small girl before nodding.

"My little college girl, I'm proud of you. Now, go and get ready."

As soon as he said those words, Millie bolted it up the stairs as she shut the door behind her. For once, she hoped her mother was in her room, she really didn't want to be alone in the house with his man.

As the door shut behind her, she brushed off the feeling of sheer disgust as she rushed to get ready.


"Hey, Finn!" He heard a small voice calling from behind him. He turned around to come face to face with the smiley blonde. She was radiant today, all shits and giggles. He liked it, it was in fact contagious but in the back of his mind he weirdly missed the small pout that was always sat on Millie's lips, or when she smiled he felt like someone nudged him in the stomach with their elbow.

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