Chapter 17 - I can't look at you and breathe at the same time.

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Chapter 17 – I can’t look at you and breathe at the same time.

With no further questions or heavy touching, the evening passed by uneventfully and before I knew it, it was morning.

I buried myself deeper into my sheets, knowing it was Saturday and not willingly to drag myself out of bed and into reality. But something made me freeze; the creak of my bedroom door. Who the hell could possibly be sneaking into my room at seven in the morning?

Slowly, I peeked over my covers and saw none other than Oliver. I groaned, chucking a pillow at him and frowning. “What the hell are you creeping around for?”

When he looked at me, he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Within a matter of seconds, he regained his composure and he plopped down on his bed. “Just went to the bathroom,” He lied casually.

I looked him up and down, furrowing my brows and sitting up. “Dude, you’re fully dressed.” I stated, staring at him expectantly.

His face flushed red and he looked down.

“And your hair is pretty messy.” I continued, climbing out of bed and walking over to my dresser. With a creak of the dresser drawer, I realized something, quickly flipping around to look at Oliver. “You were gone all night, weren’t you?” I put my hands on my hips, arching a brow at him.

He bit his soft, pale bottom lip, slowly nodding his raven-haired head and avoiding my eyes. “Yes, I was.” I gave him a look that practically burned through his skull. “I was with someone.”

Okay, I definitely wasn’t ready for that one.

With a jagged breath and wide eyes, I slowly trotted my way over to him, sitting cross-legged beside him. “Tell me about her,” I said, looking up at him with a small smile.

Oliver took a moment to register my reaction, only to return the smile. “Her name is Sophie,” He began with a happy twinkle in his diamond-blue eyes. He must really like her, I thought. “She’s just…so amazing and beautiful. And, she’s funny and sweet, but sarcastic at times. I-I think, I’m falling for her, Linx.”

I let out a hearty chuckle, looking down at the floor. “I can tell,” I smiled, looking back at him. “I’m happy for you, Oli,” I said genuinely, patting him on the head gently and standing to my feet, trotting out of our room.


“Nice sweatpants, love,” Rex purred in my ear as he passed, slapping me on the ass hard and smirking devilishly, opening the fridge.

I scowled, rolling my eyes at him and pouring my milk into my cereal bowl. “Oh, I know,” I snickered, sitting at the island and watching as he pulled out the carton of orange juice. I blushed slightly, staring down at my cereal in front of me. “Thanks, again, for yesterday.”

Before I knew it, he lifted my chin and made me look into the stormy, diamond blue eyes of his. “No, thank you for actually going on the date with me.” His face was stern, but his words melted my heart into a pile of goo.

I blushed darker at his words, not quite sure on how to respond. With a small smile forming on my lips, I leaned in and pressed my lips firmly against Rex’s.

I could tell he was shocked by my actions since he was a bit stiff for a moment before moving his hand to the back of my neck to pull me closer to his oh-so delicious lips. Automatically, I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his raven hair and pressing myself against him.

I could feel his body radiating over mine and, to be honest, it made my heartbeat quicken. We pulled away slightly, slightly out of breath and slightly ready to continue forward. For a moment or two, we just stared at each other, daring each other to make the first move. We both knew once the first move happened, there was no stopping us at all.

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