Chapter 25 - Low Battery.

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My mind was going to explode from how much I was thinking. I’m a creature of the female species; it is a natural phenomenon for us to over think. But I think at this stage, and in my current situation over thinking was a very mild act. I needed to have a convincing explanation for my behavior. I need to be sure of myself and my feelings. I had absolutely no idea what my hormones were up to.

Am I blinded by his looks?   Am I fooled by his eyes?    Am I touched by his tenderness?    Am I cast by his thoughtfulness?    Am I falling for him?   More importantly, am I falling hard for him?

Those very questions have been rotating in my thoughts. I had so many scenarios fighting with me. I was brain- tied? If that was even a word…

How could I even begin to describe this wonder of a man, Harry Styles? He’s basically what every girl dreams of. I’m not so sure if he was the guy of my dreams, but he was pretty close to that. The worst part is that I barely even know him! God I’m such a slut, I totally made out with a guy I’ve only known for like what two days or something? I’m not that type of girl; I don’t throw myself at every heartthrob I see. Is this some kind of adrenaline rush or some shit? Is that why I’m acting so impulsively around him? Okay, so when I see him, adrenaline rushes in my body? The fuck? I’m not that desperate sucker for love kind of girl, I’m a very composed person. I’m very opinionated, and I’m the type of person who does what I want, and acts the way I want. I’m in control of myself, but why when I’m next to him, I’m basically completely dumbfounded?  Was he so charming to the extent that he’d hypnotize me, out of all people? Why is life so hard?!!! God, this Harry Styles boy is causing me to use my brain too much, this is not a good sign.

Okay so I’m going to sum this all up so that I don’t think of myself as some trashy, desperate slut who wants to get her hands on any guy she sees. Woah.

Those mysterious moments we have when we look into each other’s eyes, I mean come on, this is something big. I don’t just stare at people all the time- oh no wait, I’m American, of course I do that- point is, I don’t stare at people like that all the time, now do I? The answer is no, I do not. The way he cried with me when I told him about the incident, the way he let me cry on his shoulder, the way he held my hand and assured me that everything was going to be alright, the way he never let go of my hand when I told him not to, the way he kissed me passionately, the way he came back to check up on me… The last reason, I think is the most important, he came back for me. He didn’t just forget about me, I spoke my heart out to him, I told him about probably the worst night of my existence. And he listened intently. He put a smile on my face after experiencing something I never thought would happen to me. He soothed me; he almost made all that overwrought feeling in my heart go away, at least for a little while. He was there when I needed someone.

I think that this is a good enough explanation. Meeting someone like him doesn’t happen every day. I’m not a huge fan of destiny or superstition at all, but I was pretty sure that fate was planning for this. Like in Juliet’s letter, she said

"Fate has a way of catching those blind enough to think they control their future."

1 Week Later…….

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