Chapter 7 - What am I thinking?

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Harry’s P.O.V:

She’s half British half American, and she has a Lebanese ancestry. Interesting. I can see that her eyes started drooping. The injection is beginning to work. I can’t believe I was so mean to her, ugh, why did I say that? I should have known better; everyone is scared of something. God, why am I so stupid? She seemed tense, in a way, like she wanted us out of here, but at the same time she was trying her best to listen carefully to whatever the boys had to say. That was nice of her. If I were in her shoes, I would want us to get the hell out of the hospital room, I felt like we were intruding her resting hours. I actually wanted to nudge Niall on his arm, and tell him to leave, but he seemed so immersed in the conversation. I, however; didn’t want to open my mouth and say something else that would make her think I’m a bigger prick. So I decided to go on twitter using my iphone. My mentions were numerous! People kept tweeting, ‘What happened at the concert yesterday?’ ‘Harry styles had a breakdown at his concert!’ ‘Huge commotion at the concert yesterday, what’s going on?’  They were all about last night’s concert. It was just then that I realized we hadn’t even explained to the crowd what was going on, we just continued singing the rest of the songs, we weren’t even enthusiastic! I think that concert was one of our worst. I think Louis read the perplexed expression on my face, it was Lou, and he always could tell if something was bothering me. “Hazza is something wrong mate?” he asked worriedly. “Nothing really, just twitter; many people are tweeting about last night.” I answered back. “Really? Let me see!” Louis jumped off his chair and snatched my phone; he began to read some tweets out loud. “Interruption at One Direction concert’ ‘That was the worst I’ve ever been to, you didn’t even sing well’ ‘What the hell happened, you owe us fans an explanation’ ‘So disappointed in One Direction’ ‘What a waste of time, such phonies’ ‘Harry, you can’t do this to us, you barely sang’ ‘Harry Styles is such a joke’ oh my god Harry, they’re rebelling against the band!” Louis said in a sort of sarcastic, panicked tone. “They’re right, we didn’t sing well last night, we did owe it to our fans, and we definitely did disappoint them.” I replied, feeling quite upset with myself. I did know why I hadn’t sung well last night though; it was because of the girl, Lizzie. She was on my mind the whole time, it was just that scream, I couldn’t get it out. I must have been thinking too much, that must have distracted me from the performances. I looked up at her; I just wanted to see her face. Her eyes were wide open with concern, like puppy dog eyes, they were so cute! “Oh my god, I hope this is not because of me, I’m so sorry-” before I could cut her off and tell her that it wasn’t her fault, Zayn beat me to it. Damn it Zayn, I wanted to be nice to her, and you just blew my chance, thanks mate! “Harry, what they said about you being a joke and all, don’t let that bother you mate, alright? Just don’t think about it.” Niall comforted me, he patted my back. “Well, now I am since you brought it up!” I yelled sarcastically. Everyone in the room laughed, Lizzie even let out a giggle.  I couldn’t hear it though; the boys’ laughter mastered hers. I smiled at her, but she didn’t seem to notice. “So Louis, I’ve had this question on my mind, but take note that I’m not mocking you, it’s just that I’ve been wondering; um, how old are you? In fact how old are all of you?” Lizzie started. There was a small pause, and we all burst into laughter. Lizzie looked so confused but she smiled with us, wondering why we were laughing so hard. “What? What did I say?” “It’s nothing love, but we just realized what an immature impression we just gave you, you must think were thirteen or something!” Liam laughed, still trying to catch his breath. “Well, Lizzie, I’m actually an adult, I turned twenty in December!” Louis laughed, wiping the tears away from his eyes. I chuckled; she must think we’re children! “Seriously? Oh my, haha, I’m so sorry, I thought you were sixteen or something, but you just had a lot of facial hair!” she laughed, and this time I could hear it. She would let out this shriek and continuous breaths, similar to Niall’s, she also got really red. I like the redness of her cheeks, it sent me a chill, I just wanted to hold her face in my hands and feel her warmth. Wait, what are you thinking? Why am I thinking like this? Am I really about to have a crush on this girl because of her cute features? Oh my, I don’t even know her! Snap out of it! The boys laughed even harder after her comment, and then they all called out their ages. Then it came to my turn. Once she looked at me, her smile began to fade slowly; she obviously did not like me. I cleared my throat, and said in a low voice, “I’m eighteen, I’m the youngest here, and how old did you say you were?” “Oh, I’m eighteen as well; actually I just turned eighteen last week, my birthdays on the 22nd of February.” She answered, she even added that small detail, which made her seem like she was anxious to tell me more about herself. It gave me a sort of relief, like she was softening up on me. “Hazza’s is on the 1st! You guys have something in common, same month!” Louis added excitedly, he didn’t have to mention that, but whatever. “So that means, you’re like, um, 22 days younger than Hazza!” Zayn pointed out. “Wow Zayn, you’re really good at math!” Lizzie said sarcastically. We all giggled, “Well, there’s no hiding it!” Zayn replied while lifting his collar up. “Smooth move my friend.” Liam said in his deep sarcastic voice. “By the way, what’s the date today?” Lizzie asked calmly. “It’s February 29th, it’s a leap year!” Louis answered, I love how he got excited about the simplest things, he’s always so cheerful and positive, and those were the best things about my best mate. “Tomorrow’s Justin Beiber’s Birthday.” She called out. “Oh. My. God! Are you a belieber???” Niall asked overjoyed, with a huge smile on his face. “No actually, I use to be, dunno why I mentioned that, I just know that it’s his birthday tomorrow.” Lizzie assured him. Niall’s smile faded, “You USE to be a belieber? What happened? How could you? WHY?” I could sense the hurt and anger in his voice, this was about to become a huge cat fight, might as well stop him before anyone gets hurt. “Niall, everyone has their interests and opinions, relax mate, at least she knows it’s his birthday tomorrow, right?” I slapped his face softly and looked into his eyes, I started rubbing on his back so that a fire wouldn’t ignite. “Well yea, I guess so, sorry I over reacted Lizzie.” The boy calmed down, a job well done.  Applause played in my head. Lizzie must think were really weird. “I’m sorry if I offended you, if it makes you feel any better, his voice is really nice, and he’s so damn good looking!” Lizzie pointed out cheerfully. She was nice, and funny. I liked her.

Author's Note:

How are you guys liking it s far? addded a little bit of the biebs, hope you like it! please leave comments!!! i need comments, talk to me my lovelies! i have the whole summer ahead of me, and i've planned the story, so i'll be updating really fast just for you guys!! vote my story up if you like it! give me shoutouts, and make my day! prepare for very intense chapter ahead, the modd is going to be different, am i exciting you yet? all you can do for me is KEEP READING! love you all, and thanks for everything!

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