Chapter 14 - Closer.

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Lizzie’s P.O.V:

That kiss on my cheek, it seemed sort of natural. Like I was waiting for it to happen, but at the same time, I wasn’t expecting it. Weird huh?  When he stared into my eyes, I couldn’t help but get goose bumps. I simply stared back, like it wasn’t awkward at all, and his eyes. Where should I start? I already thought they were the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen on a boy, but it’s like they become prettier by the second. His pupils grew bigger, and he began to smile, I could see the perfect structure of his face, how his cheeks lift, and change the shape of his eyes, not to mention his long, dark eyelashes, his dimples, his pearl white teeth. I marveled at God’s creation. I finally broke the silence, “So, Harry, its Harry right?” I giggled sarcastically, “Ouch, I’m deeply offended.” His smile faded, “Harry, I’m joking, oh and you should know this about me, I’m never serious.” I said in a sarcastic tone, “Oh, ha-ha, maybe you should know this about me, I’m a sucker for love!” he said, I actually took that off guard, a sucker for love? Is he like hinting me or something? Oh my god, no don’t even think about this, you just met the guy, oh I get it now, he’s joking too, I must have seen that one coming. “You’re joking too aren’t you, ha-ha you got me!” I laughed. There was a disappointed look on his face at first but then he laughed along. “So, tell me about yourself, you already know so much about me.” I asked, smiling. “Well, what do you want to know?” he had that sexy smile, oh god he’s hot. Lizzie, stop, don’t show him that you’re about to drool, I shook my head, “Yea, so tell me, anything, your interests, how you became famous, you’re family, your life, we might as well pass time with conversation?” he must have a very interesting life, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. I was definitely attracted to him.

He basically summarized his life for me in one hour, he told me about his family first, he had an older sister called Gemma, and his parents got divorced when he was seven years of age. I felt so sorry for him. I couldn’t imagine my folks splitting up, my parents loved each other so much, I couldn’t describe it. I mean even after 20 years of marriage, they still manage to hit the sheets at times, if you know what I mean. His mum got remarried later on, and he was in this band called White Eskimo, I mean the name sounded absurd to me, but you know how boys are. So he worked at a bakery before entering the X factor, interesting. He told me all about that, how they were all auditioning as solo artists at first, but the one and only Simon Cowell put them in a group. They didn’t win the competition though, they came at third. But Simon Cowell saw ‘great potential’ in them, like harry said, and decided to sign them, it was as easy as that. He told me about the tour, their crazy fans, the making of the album, their reaction when ‘What Makes you Beautiful’ was number one on the billboards, Australia and the swimming/surfing, New Zealand, America, they absolutely adored New York City, my home town! He told me how being in this band was the best thing that ever happened to them, and how he loves his band mates so much, they’re closer to him than brothers. Coincidence, eh?  It’s like me and Annabelle’s relationship. I was really touched with his words; I’ve never seen this type of affection in boys before. He cared so much about them; he would give in his own life. Like my friend, Ayla, and I. Damn it! I forgot to call Ayla! I asked him if I could make a call with his phone, he was really generous and told me that I could call whoever I needed to call and that I should take my time, that was really kind of him. I dialed her number and after three rings she finally picked up, “Hello, Ayla? It’s me Lizzie-” “Oh thank god! Where the hell are you? I called the fucking police yesterday; they said we can’t look for anyone unless they’ve gone missing for more than 24 hours! How could you do this to me? I haven’t slept since yesterday! You got me biting my nails like an old hag, I was worried sick, and I thought you were kidnapped or something, maybe even murdered! I was-” “Ayla, relax, I’m fine, I’m at the hospital, Saint Patrick’s” “WHAT? Hospital? What the hell happened? Oh my god, are you okay?” “Ayla, I’ll only tell you if you stop screaming into your fucking phone, you’re damaging my ear drum!” “Fine, fine, sorry, just tell me what’s going on?” “Okay, so I had this surgery in my kidney, it was kind of dangerous, but it was successful-” “A surgery?! What?! Are you serious? Because if you’re messing with me, I swear to god I’ll suffocate you!” “Just believe me this one time? I really am at the hospital, I need you to get my stuff, by stuff I mean I need fucking underwear, I just have like this ugly dress thing over my body, I mean, what the hell right?” “Ha-ha okay dude, what else, like clothes and shit, that’s it?” “Oh oh, get me my tooth brush, haven’t brushed in ages, oh and my shampoo, man I need to take a shower, oh and like perfume, and those sweet scented candles, man I smell like a pig! Be quick okay?” “Yea, yea, I’m already packing, wait what floor and room?” “Floor 5, room 507, kay?” “Yea okay, I’ll see you in a bit.” “See you too, and thanks by the way.” “Don’t mention it, ‘cause I’m going to kill you when I see you!” “Okay, whatever, bye!” and I hung up, I handed Harry the phone back, and I didn’t realize that he’s been laughing this whole time. “Hey, what’s so funny, I have to laugh with you?” I asked nudging his shoulder, “It’s the way you talk to your friend, you’re just so honest, and like, I’m sitting right next to you, listening to your conversation!” he laughed. “Well yea, so what?”  I didn’t get why he was laughing, what does he mean by so honest? I didn’t tell her exactly what happened, I didn’t tell her anything actually, and I would never tell her that I was raped. “You asked her to bring your underwear and stuff, and you said all these personal girly things in front of me!” He still laughed, “I’m very sorry, but I’m still not getting what’s so funny here, so what if I told her to get my underwear? And so what if I told her to get my perfume? I do stink, there’s no hiding that, I still don’t get why you’re laughing?” I asked looking all quizzical. “What I’m saying is, you speak your mind, and you’re not shy about it, you couldn’t care less what you were saying to anyone, and in front of anyone, I like that.” He finally explained. “I’m actually cursed, I speak my mind, that’s a bad thing,” I said sighing. “No it’s not, I wish I was more like that, but being famous, you can’t say anything.” “Oh, so wait, were you like complimenting me or something?” I asked confused. “Well, yea, sort of, you can say that.” He said, “So am I like supposed to say thank you or something?” he laughed again, wow this boy is easily amused, and I thought I was. “Sure, if you want to?” “Thanks then? Sorry I’m not good with compliments, so you might as well never compliment me.” I stated. He finally stopped laughing, his face went serious, or I can say that seductive sexy look, that’s seriously taking me off guard, he should stop that before my heart rate increases, and he could see that on the monitor. “But there’s a lot of things to compliment you with.” He got closer to my face. This boy gets way too close, what a flirt! Ooo wait, his perfume smells good, is it lacoste? Lizzie, stop smelling the guy! Oh, wait a sec, he is looking at me, woah he’s hot, damn boy! Lizzie, erase that from your mind right now, did I really just think that? Oh my god, he’s getting closer, wait, is he going to kiss me? “What… are you doing?” I asked, and we were practically inches apart. He seemed startled; did I give this lad a fright (British accent)? He scratched his hair and shook it. Wow that shake, I really wanted to touch his hair. I kept demanding my arms not to reach out, but they couldn’t hold on any longer, sadly (not really).  So I was like feeling his hair, and brushing my fingers down his brown, soft, shiny curls. Damn his hair was nice. “Okay, so now, what are you doing?” he asked giggling. “Well, I’m touching your hair, isn’t it obvious?” I said, still dazzled by the silkiness of his beautiful hair. Man! What products does this guy use? He laughed, “What I meant was, why are you touching my hair?” I could feel his breath on my face, we were that close, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable. “It’s just so touchable, I couldn’t handle myself, and it’s so soft, softer than mine! What do you do to maintain its volume? And the curls? Oh my lord, I’m going to cry!” we both laughed, “I do go to our personal hair dresser, about four times every week or so.” “Four times a week! Damn! I only visit the hair dresser like once a year! I didn’t even do my hair for my high school graduation! And you said your personal hair dresser? I mean what difference would it make if you didn’t say ‘personal’ you’re so cool, you have a personal one?” “Relax Lizzie; hold yo beans gurl!” “Oh, so you want to go all American now? I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it ain’t workin’” we laughed throwing our heads down. “I know it isn’t, there’s no way I can compete with you!” he said sarcastically. “So, Lizzie, I told you about me, tell me about you?” he smirked. “I already told you, what else do you want to know?” I said smiling. He started getting closer to me, and I wasn’t backing away. I liked his presence, like it sent me some sort of comfort, I don’t know, it just felt good. “Well, I always had this one question in mind, why are you studying here if you’re American?” he asked, “That’s a good question actually, you see, my mom’s British and all, so I’d come here every other summer, and my grandparents live here, so I grew very fond of this city.” I answered with a cheerful tone. “That’s it, just cause you like it here?” he asked, “Well, no, I applied to Harvard, but I only got a two thousand on my SAT’s, so they rejected, I thought of Oxford, so I did all the IGCSE exams and got in, simply.” I said, “You only got a two thousand, what a shame, you are a disgrace to Harvard!” he said sarcastically, “Indeed I am!” and I pretended to wipe a tear from my eye. We both giggled, “What made you interested in medicine? I’m actually really intrigued; I don’t think I would have ever chosen that as a career move, I’m as lazy as a cat!” “Ha-ha, to be honest, I’m seriously lazy too! I mean I can sleep for a year, and I wouldn’t care, sleeping is definitely my super power!” I laughed, and I was dead serious on that. “I love sleeping too, but being on tour, you don’t follow a routine, so my sleep gets messed up, you just sleep while you can, whenever you have spare time, you can choose if you want to sleep or not, and that’s basically it.  Now that were done with that, I can sleep for the usual 8 hours!” he said excitedly, he’s so cute. “So you never answered my initial question, medicine?” “Oh yea, well, when I first started taking the real biology I thought that no matter how much you read about it, there’s still something to know, like the human body is some sort of mystery, it’ll never be completely discovered. I was actually interested in the subject, as shocking as it may sound, I looked forward to my biology classes!” he laughed, “I know I’m a huge nerd, at times though, let me give you a small summary of how I role, shall I?” I did this side smile thing, and my eyebrows do this weird thing as in the form of a question. “Yes, I’d love to know.” He said happily. He moved even closer this time. Yes, come to me boy! Oh my god Lizzie. So I have like two minds, one that thinks, occasionally, and one that’s completely impulsive and seriously dirty. The dirty and impulsive side was thinking here. “Okay, so I have an exam, and the teacher tells us a week in advance, every day I’d tell myself, come on ten pages and I’ll be done with it before I know it. So yea, I end up doing it either the night before the exam, or the day of the exam, I’d just wake up an hour earlier and flip through the pages, I’d end up failing or passing via cheating, so to sum it all up, I…….passed school, THANK GOD!” we both laughed. His laughter was so attractive, like I’d love to see him laugh all day. The smile he makes, the sound, how he gets sort of red, he stops breathing at times too. Nice laugh. “So, tell me about your family, what are they like?” he asked putting his hand under his chin. He really did seem like he wanted to know, I on the other hand, wouldn’t care less about my excuse for a family, just kidding. “Where should I start? Hmmmm, let’s go with an uncontrollable eating machine who is my older brother Logan, a nuisance who is my younger sister Annabelle, and a monkey who is my younger brother Joey. My parents, they’re maniacs! They curse while driving, give you a murderous look if you do or say something inappropriate in front of guests, love you for a day if you get good grades and torture you if you didn’t, you see we’re very loving!” I smiled sarcastically. “Wait, are you serious?” he asked looking shocked at my answer, “No, I’m not, just kidding, I love them very much and they love me, I may have added a few exaggerated lies, but you know some are true, we’re incredibly close, which is weird in a way, ‘cause we despise each other at the same time, so you can say that our relationship is out of the ordinary!” I smiled, “I wish it was like that in my family, or like anything actually, I haven’t spoken to them in a while, my sister is abroad, so I don’t get to see her much, mum’s always with my step dad and they live in Cheshire, my dad is well, I dunno actually, he hasn’t called in a while, and neither have I, I wonder why we grew very distant.” “I’m really sorry; you know about your parent’s divorce, it must have been quite tough for you, knowing that you were young and all?” “Well, yea, I did cry a lot, but I just never really understood why.”  He said, his smile faded away, it almost seemed like he was about to cry, I squeezed his hand and lifted his chin to look me in the eyes. “Sometimes in life, things just don’t work out, and there’s no one to blame, it just happens, and don’t worry about it, my parents once got separated and little Joey was just a year or two, I don’t know what happened either, one day my mom just left, she didn’t even tell us where to, nor did she say goodbye, she came back after a while, and just acted like nothing happened, I didn’t speak to her for almost a year till I forgave her, I thought she was being selfish, but don’t feel sad, there are always other good things that happen in your life, like you getting famous and living your dream, not everyone gets everything.” I said, still clutching his hands. I felt bad for the boy, divorce is a huge turn of events in a person’s life, especially at a young age, I don’t even think I would cope if my parents were to go through this, it would be a tragedy. He smiled after I was done speaking; he held my face with his other hand and started rubbing my cheek. I smiled, his hand was big and soft, it was comfortable to be under his touch. “Thanks, Lizzie.” He managed to say, he kissed my cheek again, but this time it was light, it was just a mere brush. But I still liked it, I liked him.

Author's Note: Ya'll know the drill, ain't goin over that again! Love you guys, comment and vote! xx

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