Chapter 35 - Meet the Family

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Harry’s P.O.V:

“Um, yea just take this turn right here” Lizzie gestured. She was looking as beautiful as ever, with her wavy hair falling on her shoulders and her eyes were beaming with excitement. She told me to dress casually, so I was just wearing my most casual jeans and just a plain Hollister t-shirt (I had my hoodie as well, it was still April). As for shoes, I went for my rusty black converse, and she went for those too. It actually felt good to dress this simply, not worrying if anyone were to take a picture of you and instantly judge you on how you’re dressing. Lizzie was also wearing jeans with a pretty white top. She didn’t have a single spot of make- up other than lip balm. She rarely wore make up, and frankly, she’s so beautiful she doesn’t need it. 

“So, do you wanna sort of give me an introduction to what your family is like?” I asked, feeling kind of timid knowing that I’m going to meet a big part of her family in just a few minutes. She said that her parents have this tradition to invite almost all of the family, all of the family as in her cousins and aunts and uncles and grandmothers.

“Well, first thing is first, three kisses on the cheek is the um, Lebanese greeting, you don’t have to kiss everyone because that would take a while, and um, I’m going to tell you who the members of my first hand family are, so there’s dad, he’s Paul, my mom’s name is Madeline, older brother Logan, younger sister Annabelle, then I have the youngest in the family, Joey, oh and make a left right over here.” I took her orders and tried my hardest to remember the names. The neighborhood sure looked fancy I have to say, all the houses we’ve passed looked rather grand. “Anything else you wanna fill me in with?” I said, “Well yes, now that I think of it, if Logan tells you anything remotely odd about me, it’s probably not true, and actually, if anyone says something that may put you off, again, it’s probably not true, this family is quite humorous.” She replied with a sigh. I half smiled and kept following her directions.

There was a sort of dead end. Or it was just this huge gate. “I think I took a wrong turn or something-” Lizzie’s window slid down, she addressed the speaker phone right next to the car. “Hey Jerry?” the speaker replied, “Lizzie is that you?” I guess Jerry replied. There was a camera right on the gate, so that’s how he knew it was Lizzie. “Yup, it’s me! Open the gate for me please?” “Anything for you pumpkin!” she giggled, “I’m going to give you the biggest hug you know,” “Ahaha, I’ll be waiting for it love!” The car window then slid up, Lizzie looked at me and gestured me to go forward, “Come on now Harry,” I was still looking at her in shock, I certainly wasn’t expecting this. I pushed on the accelerator as the gates opened, and I was truly amazed. Standing in front of me was a massive garden and a massive mansion! “Liz, you never told me you-” I was actually speechless for a moment. “Remember, how I told you I lived in the gulf for a couple of years? Yea, my dad kind of owns companies all around the world, and in case you were wondering what type of companies, well, he sells merchandise and constructing equipment to engineering companies and contractors.” She stated firmly. “Why didn’t you tell me this Lizzie?” I looked intently into her eyes. I didn’t understand why she didn’t tell me her dad was a millionaire; I mean it is a big piece of information that is quite essential. “Well, I didn’t think it was important, and I mean, you never really asked.” She answered honestly. Well, I guess she does have a point, “You should have told me though, I mean it does seem pretty important, the fact that you’re a millionaire and you never told me,” “Are you upset that I never mentioned it?” “Well, yes actually I am, maybe some things don’t seem important to you, but they might mean something to me, I mean what if you were hiding something else from me right now that you didn’t think is important but how would you know if you never even asked me,” “Harry, you do know that it’s not my intention to keep things from you, I need you to understand that, and frankly, you know more things about me than my parents do, so please don’t take this personally, I just didn’t think it was that prominent, so what if I was poor would it change anything? Does my financial status effect how you feel about me?” “Oh my god, Lizzie, no of course not, I don’t ever want you to think that again, no matter what your position is, I’m always going to have strong feelings for you, it’s just this, it just would have been a nice gesture if I had a heads up you know?” “I guess, you do have a point, I just never thought about it really, I’m sorry?” “Aha, I wasn’t asking for an apology, now let’s see what your crib looks like from the inside.” I continued parking my car. “My crib? Are you serious now?” we both laughed.

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