Chapter 37 - Dumbstruck.

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I was caught between reality and fantasy for an infinitesimal second. I couldn’t put the pieces my eyes depicted together. Shock overwhelmed me, and tremors I couldn’t control were shaking violently down my spine.

I needed a slap on the face to wake me up to the reality that was ahead of me.

The room was filled with smoke, and Harry was lying motionless on the cold hard floor.

Niall and Zayn were standing next to me unable to comprehend the fright of seeing their best friend frozen.

As I looked at their expressionless faces, I was instantly pinched with a heap of adrenaline. I ran to Harry, and the first thing I did was check for a pulse. I laid my head on his chest, I put my fingers to his throat and left wrist, but I couldn’t sense anything. A sob escaped my lips; a pang of hopelessness filled my mind for a sliver of a second which was then immediately replaced by my inner intuition. I needed him to live. I wasn’t going to let him die.

Niall and Zayn were still standing like stone statues behind me, astonished by what they must have thought impossible. I let out a cry of help, and my voice suddenly awoke them from that treacherous trance.

Zayn instantly broke down and knelt with me pumping his heart. His sobs were slowly tearing me apart. I couldn’t just sit there and wait for something to happen. I couldn’t just sit there and come to a sudden realization that he is dead. I couldn’t do that. ‘He is not dead!’ my mind screamed to me.

If there is one person in this room that has been through a miracle, then it is me. And if there is one person in this room that can create a miracle, then it is also me. I swallowed my cries and dried my eyes, “Niall move! Call an ambulance NOW!” My scream kept him there dumbstruck. “NIALL CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!” I screamed louder, suddenly his eyes blinked tears and he took out his phone with trembling hands. As Niall dialed the number, I performed CPR, and although I couldn’t feel a pulse it doesn’t necessarily mean that he wasn’t breathing. Some pulses can just be very slow that a person couldn’t detect them.  I desperately kept pumping his chest and performed mouth to mouth to try to give him some air. It wasn’t working.

“Come on Harry! Come on! Don’t to this to me!” I cried trying my best to create a detectable pulse. I could hear Niall talking to the hospital, “I don’t know the cause of unconsciousness,” he kept muttering.

Zayn observed the floor around Harry , a white powder was dispersed all around the floor. I touched the powder I looked intently at it. The smoke.

This is cocaine. Harry has been overdosed.

I hurriedly stood up and searched for my shoulder bag that was outside his room. I took grab of it and hastily went back to the room and knelt down. “Zayn, this is cocaine, Harry’s been smoking up, I need you to run and get me some ethanol NOW!” I yelled, taking out my sample of naloxone I got from university today.

Thank god for not going home to drop my bag, thank god for having a pharmacology class about drugs, and thank god for keeping an extra syringe in my emergency first aid kit. Thank god.

I sighed as I rapidly tried to insert the antidote into the syringe. My hands were outrageously tremulous; I was trying my best not to spill any of the naloxone. Zayn was still idly weeping, “Zayn go get me some ethanol now!” I yelled at him once again, he was still frozen. I shock him from his shoulders and looked intently into his eyes, “Wake up. Don’t you dare give up on him! Zayn, we need to save him. We need to save your best friend.” I tried to say that as calmly as possible, if I couldn’t keep my composure then how could they? I had to give them a sense of hope that would move them.

After Zayn heard me say that he momentarily got up, “What the fuck is ethanol?!” he shouted, “ALCOHOL! GO!” I shouted back and he stormed off.

“The ambulance needs ten minutes, I called the closest hospital and they’re trying to get here as fast as they can.” Niall said sounding distressed, he knelt down next to me crying, “How could you do this to us Harry?” Hearing him say that broke my heart. I now knew that it was in my hands to make him breathe. “Niall, I need you to pump his chest for me as soon as I inject this okay? Don’t give up on him yet.” I yelled my voice cracking as I held back tears. Niall nodded and moved to my opposite side in order to pump his chest once I inject Harry. I was praying to God that this would work.

I quickly injected the naloxone into a vein on his leg shutting my eyes tight in prayer that he will wake up. Zayn rushed into the room with a bottle of alcohol. I ordered him to splash some on his hand and place it on his neck. The naloxone in the tube was almost completely inoculated when Niall started pumping his chest. I removed the now empty syringe and performed CPR yet one more time.  

“Come on Harry, wake up, wake up!” I whispered to myself.

It was Harry who saved me, from me. It was he who made me smile even in my darkest hour. He was the one slowly healing my wound. I gave every ounce of hope left in me, to try to save his soul.

“It’s not working!” Zayn cried, the shriek of his voice made me shiver with fear of losing Harry. “Don’t give up! Do you hear me! Don’t ever say that!” I kept pressing on his chest and I kept giving him mouth to mouth. Niall stopped helping me and just sat on the floor sobbing desperately. I accumulated all my willpower to stay strong and not give up. And sometimes, it actually works.

I felt air coming out of his nostrils. He was breathing. “He’s breathing! Come on, we’ve got to get him downstairs.” I said firmly. They both suddenly stopped weeping, I looked at them attentively, “What are you waiting for!?” As soon as I said that, they quickly held on to him and took him downstairs.

The sound of the beeping ambulance was evident, I looked at the sky and muttered thank you to the sky.  We were now outside, the ambulance car only inches away from us. The car came to a stop, and the paramedics quickly placed Harry on a moving bed and into the van. “What’s his state?” asked one of them, “Overdose of cocaine, I gave him a naloxone drug inoculation, it’ll only keep him conscious for a few more minutes, he needs oxygen immediately!” We were all inside the moving van at this point. An oxygen mask was placed on his face momentarily. The two paramedics tore his shirt and attached tubes to his chest that were connected to a cardiac monitor. His heart beats were merely zigzags. “There isn’t a defibrillator in this ambulance?” I asked startled, he needs a definite heartbeat to ensure his survival by the time we get to the hospital. “We can’t use it on him, as long as there’s a beat then we can’t be permitted, we can’t expose him to electrical shock at the moment.” I thought that was complete bullshit, but since she’s the expert then I wouldn’t comment. “Good thinking with the naloxone.” The other paramedic, that was a man, added. I looked over at him, but couldn’t muster the will to smile, so I simply nodded. I needed to be sure that Harry will be okay. I looked over at Niall who was sitting at the opposite side of the van, and Zayn was sitting next to me. Disorientation was inevitable on their faces, and their eyes were crimson red from crying. Niall mouthed the words thank you to me. He shouldn’t be thanking me, he should be thanking God. It wasn’t me who saved Harry, it was fate. If I hadn’t had the naloxone with me, he would have died. As much as I hate to think that, it really is true. I would have lived with agony for the rest of my life.

I held on to Zayn’s hand and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his on my head. I let out a sigh. I couldn’t believe what we had just gone through.     

Author's note: Please leave your comments below, i need to know your feedback? That was instense huh? Did you think it was predicatble? What do you think will happen next? Could Harry possibly not survive? Was it enough to let him live? Keep reading to find out ;) 

I hope i didn't disappoint any of you, i really did try my best writing this chapter, were the descriptions vivid? 

Thank you for reading and please vote for this chapter, i have a message i'd like to pass in the coming chapters. Thank you!! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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