chapter 11 - River of tears.

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Harry’s P.O.V:

I couldn’t believe I saw what I had just seen, had heard what I had just heard. I was trying to put it all in my head, what that man had said and what Lizzie said. This was definitely an unexpected turn of events. What did he mean by her being sexier without her clothes on? How she said he’d never stick his penis up anywhere? Did he shag her last night or something? But if he was a stalker, he wouldn’t be a boyfriend, he also mentioned how his friends or something liked the show, I wouldn’t shag a girl in front of my friends, and why was she so infuriated, telling him that he almost killed her, why he did this to her, did he like abandon her or something when she was stabbed? Or did he- all the pieces of the puzzle were coming together, and finally it hit me. He raped her. Or at least his friends did with him, or they watched him or something, but the point is; she was raped. Oh. My. God. Oh. My. God. But that still wouldn’t explain why she was stabbed, and why she lied to the police! Lying to the police is a major felony! She would be in such grave shit, what did she do? And what the hell was going on? When I heard the first thump, I quickly slammed the door open, I thought he hit her, but it was the opposite. She was beating the crap out of this guy, she had such valor, and she was stronger (physically) than I thought she was. She looked so weak on the hospital bed earlier and now she was thrashing him with hospital equipment. I was seriously turned on. Damn, she was strong.  

She finally looked at me, with that bewildered expression on her face. I didn’t think she noticed me this whole time; I was standing by the door anyway. The nurses were done with their work, they told her to stay put and left the room. Lizzie was still looking at me, but this time her face was filled with pain. It looked like all the oxygen in her body was sucked out, it was evident that she was holding her breath. I could see lines on her cheeks which were traces of her tears, they dried up now, but her eyes were still burgundy. She just kept starring at me, like she was wishing I wasn’t there. I stared back at her, still shocked with what I just discovered; the idea wasn’t yet taking hold of my mind.  We were both staring at each other for about five minutes; I had to break the ice. “What… happened to you?” I said taking in many breaths and with a cracking voice. No answer. “Lizzie, what did this man do to you?” I said, louder this time. Still, no answer. I walked up to her, closer than I was meaning to and held her shoulders, she was looking stridently at my eyes, I could see her tenderness, her terror, her twinge, her anguish, her distress, her suffering. Every word that meant pain or hurting in the English dictionary was found in her gaze. Without warning she began to sob.

She was sobbing like I’ve never seen anyone sob before. I couldn’t find a good enough word to describe her pain. She dug her head in her hands and just wept. She held her breath while she cried; I could tell why she did that, so she wouldn’t let out hiccups. I was troubled; I didn’t know what to do. Should I leave, or should I stay here and soothe her?  Oh my god, Lizzie. “Please stop crying Lizzie, I’m sure we can work this out, just relax, um, just...” she pulled her knees up and buried her head in them. She was still covering her face, but I could see the tears falling on the white sheets. The only thing that came to my mind was to calm her down, so I sat on the bed with her, one leg out, one leg in, rubbing her back and telling her it was okay. She winced when I first touched her, I didn’t know why so I paused and waited till I could rub her back again, and the crying was harder, more and more tears were falling on the sheets as I rubbed her back. I’ve never seen anyone cry harder than this, there were so many tears streaming down. After maybe fifteen minutes of continuous lamentation, she started breathing steadily, or at least her heart beat was slightly slower. She uncovered her face, and looked straight at me. She was extremely red, her eyes were almost crimson, her face was absolutely wet, and tears were still streaming, like she couldn’t control them. I felt pity for her, the sorrow in her eyes, in her face, broke my heart. We just looked at each other, but I liked the silence, the awkwardness of it all was sort of comfortable, like we could stare at each other all day and keep asking one another questions that would never be answered. I finally decided to break the silence, besides I had to get going, I needed to know what was going on, imagine seeing all of this, and not fully understanding what actually happened. “Lizzie, speak up, I want to help you.” I said solemnly. Our faces were only inches apart. I could feel her breathing through her nostrils. She glanced away and wiped her tears, but they were still streaming uncontrollably, she just couldn’t stop it. “You…can’t he-lp mm-ee, there is n-nothing to he-lp me with.” She was trying her best to say it, but her voice was cracking, big time. I cupped her face in my hands and began to wipe away her tears, I also began smoothing her hair, but she flinched. She was either shy, or uncomfortable, I didn’t know which.  “Lizzie, you need to tell me what happened, I heard the whole thing, you can’t hide it from me now, I just need to know exactly what happened so I can tell the police-” “Nn-oo n-o you ca-not t-tell the po-lice, no, p-please do-not .” she cut me off. “Then you can at least tell me what happened.” She gulped down, and cleared her throat; she wiped the tears one last time which stopped streaming. She shifted her position to face me. I also turned around properly to look at her. I couldn’t help myself but feel remorseful; she must have been through so much. I couldn’t even bear in mind that she got raped. Oh my lord.

Author's Note:   You guys know the drill now, leave your comments and suggestions (if you have any) and don't forget to vote!! Woud Lizzie tell Harry? Do you think she'll tell a complete stranger of her worst night? Do you think she'll act impulsively? Are you looking forward to the next chapter? Please leave your comments, we can dicuss this story as a whole! and thank you new readers and fans, let's vote this up to see how many more reads it can get! one more thing i need to mention, if some of you are finding this story to be viloent, or a bit too mature or even scary you need to know my purpose of making such scenes. You all need to know how serious rape can be. I was hoping that through this story i can give you all a message, or at least make you aware of such brutality. You all must be cautious, and listen to your parents, trust me worse than this can happen. More morals will come with this story, it's not just something you'll enjoy, you may actually learn life lessons. Thanks again, i love you all so much xx

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