Chapter 3 - The light.

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At that instant, I was trembling with fear. I stopped screaming at this point, I thought I may reason with them. “Please don’t do this, I’ll pay you, just name your price and I’ll – “Shut the fuck up, Kevin is doing this right here right now.” I couldn’t help but scream again, I was being abused. He slapped me again and this one definitely left a mark on my face. Four of the bastards held me from my arms and legs against a wall. I tried resisting but they were way too strong. I didn’t quite take in what was happening, was I really about to get raped by my own boyfriend?

“Kevv-in look at me, don’t do this to me, don’t ruin my life, I’m fucking begging you, please, please, please, I’ll do anything but just let me go, I won’t say a word, I swear, just Kevin leave me..” I was trembling and sobbing at the same time, and wasn’t sure if he could even understand what I was saying. “Lizzie baby, why so shy? We do this all the time,” “Kevin you’re drunk, absolutely wasted, and you’ve been smoking, you don’t know what you’re saying or doing, don’t listen to these sick bastards, Kevin, listen to me, stop, stop KEVIN!”  His arms went up my shirt. Then they went up my legs. Then he just pushed his hand in there.

“Aaaaaahh, stop please, STOP!” I was crying so hard and screaming my lungs out. All the other boys joined in, one by one they would feel my breasts, they even took off my shirt but left me with my bra, they wanted to take it off as well, but they didn’t want anyone else to get the privilege, they said. I was screaming so hard that they slapped me more than ten times to try and shut me up. “Someone please! Anyone help! AAAAAHHHH!” again and again, hands went up there, it was hurting me so much, it was intolerable. Although they slapped me a million times I still didn’t stop screaming, till one of them put his arm over my mouth. I bit his fingers as hard as I can. “Ah fuck man, the bitch bit me”   they all looked at the guy’s direction; they didn’t realize that they loosened their grip. I quickly shook them off and was on my feet running for my life.  It was about five degrees Celsius and I was just wearing a bra and underwear. I was impressed with how swiftly I got off the ground, and especially that they were literally over me. I barely ran ten seconds when Kevin jumped on me and I fell face down on the ground. The hardest fall I’ve ever had.  “Let’s leave her here, she’s had enough” a boy with long black straight hair said, “before we do let’s teach her a lesson,” the braid haired man took out his pocket knife and sat on top of me, “lovely Lizzie, I am going to scar your face, so that whenever you look at the mirror, you’d remember us.” “Fuck you.” I managed to spit at him. “Wow Kevin, didn’t think you’d have it in you, this one’s feisty!” The others laughed and so did Kevin. I still can’t believe what just happened. Kevin, the pathetic loser, was doing this to me.  The braid haired man leapt over me, he started licking my face, “get the fuck off me!” “You are way too pretty not to be fucked.” “STOOOOP!” I screamed again, he started shoving his tongue in my mouth; I couldn’t breathe, so I started spitting into his mouth. He moved away slightly, I could still feel his breath on my face. It smelled like the worst mixture of alcohol and weed. “Okay then, beautiful, you asked for it, we’ll just leave you here to bleed to death, but if you don’t tell the police, then we’ll let you go” “Go to hell you motherfucking bastard, I hope you die, you lifeless, worthless piece of shit!” “Oh fuck no you did not just say that!” “Kevin, come and give her your last goodbye.” I stopped sobbing and I just looked at all these criminals in disgust and hatred. “You will all perish, and be tortured in hell for your act of brutal cruelty and repulsiveness, how could you do this to me, do you know how- aaaahhhh! Just fuck you all, all of you, I hope you’re proud of what you did here, your ruining my life, w-what did I ever do to you? HUH, WHAT? WHY ARE YOU-”and I just screamed so loud, that I thought I deafened my own ear drum. I started sobbing again, hardly catching my breath, I wasn’t scared,  I just didn’t want my end to be this way, no, not like this, if I were to die, it wouldn’t be on their hands.  Kevin jumped on top of me, I was struggling, I started shifting my position to and fro, trying to move in any way possible. He then slapped me, again. Two other guys held my arms down, so I couldn’t move. Kevin started licking my face, he held my breasts and started feeling me all over, he shoved his hand in there again and I let out another scream. There was no use in calling for help, for no one was around. Not a single soul. Where the hell did they take me, and why am I so blind? “Kevin, I’m begging you to stop, please stop, Kevin!” “This is what you get.” “This is what I get for WHAT? WHAT DID I DO?” “You never wanted to do it with me, you never even tried to turn me on, you never tried to look sexy, what am I to you? I thought we were together!” “You are such a fucking idiotic bastard, can you hear yourself? Do you even know what you’re saying? Being together does not mean fucking each other! I am not attracted to you; I don’t even have feelings for you. What you are to me now, is tens of times worse than what you were, before you were just some idiot, now you are a bastard, a lowlife, a pathetic loser who’ll never have a proper life, especially if you’re out with these, these barbaric rapists that have no purpose or meaning in this life, and don’t worry Kevin baby you’ll be doomed by all mighty, I actually wish you die, very, very soon so that you could be damned. Fuck you Kevin, I utterly HATE YOU!” I couldn’t hold it in me anymore, I was enraged! I didn’t want to seem scared, I didn’t want to cry, I wanted THEM to remember ME! I’m not this poor and helpless girl, if they were going to kill me, I would die with dignity. Kevin just stared at me, his eyes glaring at me, lit with fire. I think what I said hit him hard, I was hoping he woke up. “Finish her off!” as I was tilting my head to see the bastard who said that, I felt the sharpest object pierce through my skin, I let out more of a sigh ,than a scream, of pain and agony.

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