Chapter 24 - 'Ma Boys!'

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Harry’s P.O.V:

I closed my eyes when I finally said good night, but I didn’t actually sleep. I just lay there, thinking. First of all-actually I don’t even know where to start! The fact that she’s a brilliant kisser or the fact that she’s so beautiful? The fact that she’s so insecure or the fact that she’s absolutely hilarious? The fact that she’s so honest and down to earth , or the fact that we can both read each other’s thoughts? I was skeptical. There were so many things about her that I genuinely liked, but at the same time, I can tell that there’s more to her. I want to get closer to her, I want to see her, I just have this itching feeling to be with her all the time and the funny thing is I barely even know her! Why am I suddenly so attached? Oh my lord, there is definitely something going on with my brain. When I walked in, I honestly didn’t know what to say. I mean I was hoping she remembered me kissing her, but it’s not like I just went there to snog her. I wanted to see for myself that she was okay, that she recovered. And when I finally saw her, my heart was skipping. She looked different, not completely, but her hair was in a ponytail and her face was just lit up. She looked stunning, I had to focus on my heartbeat and breathe slowly. A huge smile was plastered on her face when she laid eyes on me, and I couldn’t help but do the same. Her cheeks were lifted, her smile was perfect, shining white teeth all aligned and her lips were the perfect size. Like I said before, her eyes would smile. They’re actually pretty big, well, at least I think they are, but maybe that was because I was always so close to her face. Anyways, back to the point, her eyes….they were just glittering! Words couldn’t come out of my mouth, I was speechless! It wasn’t only about how incredible she looked; I also really didn’t know what to say. Maybe she remembered last night’s kiss, and maybe she didn’t want it to happen. What if she only sees me as a friend, maybe not even a friend, an acquaintance! Woah, don’t want to think about that right now, I’m too prone to her presence. I mean, if we chose to have a future with each other, it had to evolve to more than friends; I was already too attracted to her.  When I walked up to her, my only intuition was to kiss her. Right there, on her luscious lips. I had an urge, but it was also more of an impulsive kind of action. Like a reflex, almost. My brain was telling me to keep it slow and easy, but my heart was telling me to just get the hell on with it and just kiss the crap out of her! Okay, not exactly, I wanted it to be gentle and soft, I wasn’t going to go to the extremes with her, and I mean what if she didn’t want it? What if she took the whole thing off guard and changed her mind about everything and wouldn’t want anything to do with me? Couldn’t let that happen, now could I? She’s too amazing to let go. It would be a waste not to be with a girl as implausible as her. It was basically the most spontaneous and hotheaded thing I have ever done. I just went up to her and placed my lips on hers like a brick fitting into a space in a wall. It was perfect, and our lips matched. I wasn’t thinking of making it longer than a few seconds, the thing that surprised me was how she kissed me back. She kissed me willingly, and almost like she was waiting for it. She kept her lips there and never seemed to back away or question my sudden action. So I didn’t back away either, and kept going with the flow. Her hands were placed at my neck and she kept running her fingers through my hair, I mean the hair does have its advantages; I was so glad that I had splendid curls. I had to get comfortable to be at my best, for she was quite a kisser. She knew when to move, where to place her hands, when to insert her tongue, when to take a breath, how and when to change sides, it was like she was an expert, which actually got me wondering about how much experience she’s had. But that wasn’t my main focus; I just had to think about how I should be even better. So I practically leapt over her, our bodies weren’t touching or anything, my legs were sort of crouched on both her sides and I was supporting my body, as in lifting it up so I wouldn’t be over her (literally) with my hands (putting my weight on my hands).  Then she straightened her back on the bed board thing and got up more, and her neck was really nice and long. I stopped supporting myself with my hands on the bed and went to trace her jaw line while her hands were still brushing through my hair. I finally sat in that ‘w’ kind of shape, my bottom was resting on her legs. She didn’t look like she was uncomfortable with it at all, so I just left them there. I had to touch her hair, I had to grab hold of something; the snogging was just so intense and real. I untied her hair; it fell down beautifully. I don’t know if I described her hair before, but it was much better now, especially since it was clean, brushed and it smelled like strawberries! Her hair wasn’t short, but it wasn’t that long either, it was in the middle. It was below her shoulder, to her chest, almost reaching her breasts. I didn’t open my eyes to see though, I kind of felt it. Her hair color was really nice, it was a dark kind of blonde, kind of like caramel, but like this really nice and natural caramel, I wondered if her highlights were real; for the colors were so prefect, it seemed so natural. Her hair was straight, but not dead straight, just that casual straight hair, she must have done it, or most probably Ayla. When I first saw her, her hair was all over the place, but what I did know is that it definitely wasn’t straight and was sort of wavy/curly, but that soft and contained kind. As I kept brushing my fingers through her hair, she moved down to my jaw line, and then to my neck, she seemed comfortable with that position and kept them there for a while. I wanted to move down; I was done feeling her hair. I slowly traced her complexion, her soft white skin, then to her jaw line again, to her long neck, I clung to her shoulders, and then that’s when I had a mild dilemma. I didn’t know whether I should go lower than that, or at least go to that certain area. I mean, whenever I make out with a girl, I always tend to hold their jublies, but with Lizzie, this snoggathon was more, how should I say it, mature than others? You see with other girls, we always rush into things, the first thing I grab hold of is their boobs, and they automatically go to my six packs, then eventually to my dick, and I go to their ass too. But here, it wasn’t about the physical aspects. I mean I got into her from who she is and her story, and what she’s been through, not from how her body looked. I mean, I never even saw her body; she was on the bed covered with sheets the whole time. The reason to why I was so attracted to her was nothing close to the physical aspects, nowhere close to that at all, I mean if beauty was counted then okay. But it was her personality and character that held me hostage. I didn’t want to go there, it wasn’t something I wanted. I didn’t want to make this weird, we were already taking things fast, but fast in an impulsive/spontaneous, and not desperate way. I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, what if she didn’t want it either? I didn’t want to make things awkward with her, when the time comes, it’ll just come.  So I just slid my hands down her back and to her waist, and I kept them there, I felt her kind of wince. I didn’t forget what happened to her, she was practically raped, or should I say abused, harassed? She was still scared, and I didn’t blame her, she had the right to be scared. I don’t know how long that snoggathon was, but it was the BEST snog session I have ever had! It was tremendous! It was so incredible, and I was beyond ecstatic for listening to my instincts for once, and they were right! The whole flaunt was great, it left we wanting more.

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