Chapter 16 - What to do?

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Harry’s P.O.V (and his conscience):

I haven’t felt more embarrassed in my life, ever! I mean, I wasn’t going to kiss her, well, I don’t think I was. Was I? Whatever, I’m not even sure. Why would I kiss her anyway, I’ve only known her for like a couple of hours! Yea, but that doesn’t explain my little staring modes, how I’m so in love with that certain moment, of true enchantment. What the fuck are you saying? True enchantment?! Oh my god, you’re such a girl! No I am not, I have a penis! Remember that, it’s quite big too. Oh my god am I really thinking about my penis right now, really? I should seriously hire a therapist. Wait, why are you thinking like this, why are you so confused? Suck it up Harry, oh my god you little mouse, suck it up! She’s just so pretty- shut up, shut up! Don’t think like that! But I can’t help it, she’s just so…… nothing, she’s nothing Harry! Don’t get yourself in this, she’s a broken girl, with a broken heart right now, you don’t need to make it worse for her. What the hell, what do you mean make it worse for her, why and how would I do that? Well, let me think… never, ever have a serious relationship, you just sit around with them and dump them in a month, you shouldn’t do that to her, she seems nice. Yea, I know she’s beautiful- no she’s not, Harry, just for once, do this girl a favor; don’t make it harder for her than it already is. I sighed, yes, maybe you’re right conscience, but I still think she’s pretty amazing.

When she screamed, I quickly stood up, not knowing what to do. What the hell just happened? I didn’t know how to react, what should I do? “Oh my god, Lizzie, what? What is it?” I shouted, gulping down my saliva. My eyes were wide open. That sight was just shocking, it was horrible. She was clutching the covers so tight and holding her breath. Her eyes were completely shut; she was trying to endure the pain. She finally breathed, heavily, and started shouting and screaming, “AAAAAHHH, IT HURTS, IT HURTS SO BAD!” she removed the cover off and clung to her injury, the hospital dress was red with blood in that area. I looked over to her friend, what the hell did she do? She was just staring at Lizzie, she started moving back, and she looked terrified. She was frozen. I had to do something. “Ayla, get help, call the nurses or doctors or whatever, go!” I was walking towards her, and shoved her from her shoulder to get a move on, but she was still startled. “Wake up! Can’t you see she’s in pain, go! Get help now!” she tripped with her own feet as she started walking out the door, could someone be slower than that? Lizzie, was crying now, tears were falling uncontrollably; she was turning and moving sadistically, still clinging to her bleeding cut. I walked up to her, closer; it looked like she was dying.  I couldn’t help but shout, “HELP, WE NEED SOME HELP HERE!” The sight of the blood nauseated me, but I had to be strong, for Lizzie. She looked up at me, and I could see the sheer agony in her eyes. I looked intently at them, and I couldn’t help but cry with her. I really thought she was dying. “Don’t worry about it, it’s going to be alright, just stay with me Lizzie, breathe, just breathe, they’re coming now, don’t worry, they’re coming.” I bit my lips, trying to prevent my sobs. She stopped crying and was looking right at me; her eyelids were shaking, closing up and down rapidly. Her mouth was open, and I could manage to hear what she was saying, “Harry, please…..don’t….leave me.” “Lizzie, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here.” Her eyes were closing, and I could hear the monitor right next to me, her heart was beating fast, really fast. I was scared for her life. I took her hand in mine, she clung to it, she was squeezing it so hard, but I didn’t care, she could amputate it for all I care, I just wanted her to know that I’m not going anywhere. I got closer to her, closer to her face, “Oh god, please god, LIZZIE, STAY WITH ME! LIZZIE, DON’T LIZZIE, DON’T YOU DARE STOP BREATHING! OH GOD PLEASE SAVE HER, OH GOD!” I was sobbing at this point, I couldn’t control it. I got even closer to her, her eyes opened up, and I just stared at them. At that point, her eyes were the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. A tear shed down her face, and I could hear her whisper, “Stay with me, don’t leave me.” then she smiled. Despite everything that has happened to her, despite all the pain that she was feeling, she managed to smile. She is the strongest girl I have ever met. Our hands were still glued to each other, but I could feel her grasp loosening, slowly, slowly. “Lizzie, don’t close your eyes, look at me, loot at me Lizzie, oh please don’t close them, please no-” my sobs beat my voice. I could see her trying to fight with her eyelids; they managed to open for a few seconds, the only instinct I had, was to kiss her. My lips pressed hers, hard. I wanted her to know that I just kissed her. My lips, against hers, it was the perfect match, like a key fitting into its lock. I pulled away when all the nurses and doctors barged in. I didn’t want to let go of her hand, she told me not to leave her. So I just moved away, to the side, where I could still hold her hand. My eyes were fixed on her face. Her eyes were shut, and her mouth as well, still puckered from the kiss. I wiped my tears away with my other hand. One of the doctors pushed me aside, but I still held on to Lizzie’s hand, that was one promise, I’m going to keep. “Everyone out, now!” one of the nurses said, I knew very well that she was referring to me and Ayla, who was still frozen with utter astonishment. She walked out simply, however; I on the other hand shook my head, as in to say no. Words couldn’t come out of my mouth. She didn’t argue once I shook my head, she must have noticed that I was crying, and how my hand was clung to Lizzie’s, which she wasn’t grasping anymore. My heart just stopped; did she really loosen the grip completely? I began to breathe unevenly, just looking at her face, and her whole body, which wasn’t moving, at all. “Young man, I’m afraid you have to leave right this instant!” one of the doctors said. My eyes momentarily shifted towards the monitor which shows her heart rate. It was decreasing quickly, the zigzags were becoming smaller, it was about to form that red line that I’ve been dreading. “Instead of worrying about me, DO SOMETHING!” I shouted and gestured towards the monitor. He quickly glanced there, and took out one of those machines that I’ve seen on Grey’s Anatomy, you hold them with two hands and you put this blue gel over them. He ripped off her hospital dress and pressed the two electric machines together to spread the gel. There were many people operating on her, some on her bleeding cut, others adjusting an oxygen mask to her face, others at that moving stand which had blood bags hanging from them. Everything was happening so quickly. “Okay, clear!” the doctor said, he placed the machines on Lizzie’s heart, and her chest was practically lifted. “Increase the volts!” someone else shouted, he kept looking at the monitor screen. “Clear!” he did it once more. I just closed my eyes, and started praying to god, something I haven’t done in a while. Oh god, please help Lizzie, she’s a good person, and I can see she has a good heart, she doesn’t deserve this. I broke it and I hiccupped, I pressed my lips together to stop myself from breaking. Why did all this happen to her? Why is god punishing her? What did she do wrong? A tear shed, I wiped it away quickly with my bare hand, I shouldn’t look weak. I had to suck it up. My hand was still griped with hers, it seemed like I squeezed hers more than she did. I realized that she wasn’t even squeezing anymore. “Okay, I’m sorry, but you have to leave now, I’m ordering you!” the doctor said again. This time I obeyed, I guess I had to leave, it was his job, and if it was to help Lizzie, then I will. I was still with her, she was in my heart. Before I was forced out, I took one last glance at Lizzie; I was wishing and praying with all my heart that she’d recover. I kissed her forehead lightly and stormed out. I stood in place, right outside the room, in front of the door. I heard a loud thud; someone must have shut the door. The blinds went shut and I just stood there.    

Author's Note: You guys know the drill, just please vote if you're reading this, want to get to a hundred! How'd you like this chapter? Lots of action am i right? Leave your comments below. Thanks again for reading, love you all xxx

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