Chapter 19 - Under your spell.

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I told the cab driver to drop me off at the taxi stop, I thought I’d just carry on walking; besides, it was only a ten minute walk till I reach the gates. I spoke into the inter phone, and called out my name. The gates opened up and I walked through. I didn’t know what to tell the boys, how am I supposed to tell them this? Should I tell them how fond I grew of her, or should I just skip that part? No, wait, I think I should tell them, so they wouldn’t be suspicious of why I went to visit her at the hospital. I definitely won’t tell them about her awful incident, I promised I wouldn’t tell a soul. I’ll tell them why I was late though, about the whole heart issue. It brought me chills just remembering. I walked about 100 meters till I reached the actual house hold. That hundred meters was basically our huge garden, actually now that I think of it, it’s too big to be a garden, and it’s more of a park. There is a huge grass lawn; flowers are all around, a couple of trees, even a small palm tree growing on the edges. I just appreciated the beauty of this garden; the gardeners did a really good job! When I finally got to the main door, I’m sad to say that I was slightly intimidated. What will the boys do to me? How are they going to get back at me for this? I know I pissed the hell out of them, but would they really punish me? Nah, what am I thinking, of course they wouldn’t. We’ll just sit down and reason.

I slowly held the door knob and twisted it to the right, trying to make as little noise as possible. As I walked in the lights were still on, and all the boys were watching the telly. Didn’t seem like they noticed me at first till I began walking forward heading to my room, until…. “Harold Edward Styles, where do you think you’re going?” Louis said in a sort of loud and cross tone. “Ummmm, I’m going up to my room.” I answered back, my voice kind of shaky, was I really scared of them right now? Oh god, suck it up Hazza! “Not so fast.” Niall said, sly as a fox. “Where have you been, all this time, don’t you know you have a curfew on weeknights, especially that we’re heading to the studio early tomorrow morning?” Liam questioned with sheer seriousness in his voice. “I’m sorry I got carried away.” I stated still shaky. “One does not simply get carried away Harry.” Zayn said, he sounded pretty cunning, but I realized then that this was a plot. “ATTACK!!” Louis shouted.  One thing my brain forgot to tell me at times was to run.  They all practically jumped on me ferociously! I didn’t even have time to realize what was going on! I hit the ground so hard I began to moan! They started tickling me everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE! I was pleading them to stop, “I’ll do anything, just please stop!” still laughing outrageously. “Show no mercy to this coward!!!” Louis shouted in a ‘braveheart’ manner. Niall took grab of my hand and slapped my face, with my own hand!  “Why are you hitting yourself Harry? Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?” Niall said repeatedly, mockingly. “Prepare for shower!!” Zayn shouted in that robotic voice he does. “Shower, what shower? Guys please stop! Seriously!”  It was as bad as a zombie apocalypse. Zayn brought a spray can of whipped cream and sprayed the whole thing on my face, I couldn’t breathe! They added a beard and a uni- brow and snot; I mean snot, what the hell!? Then they got tomato balloons, TOMATOE BALLOONS!  They splashed that juicy red stuff all over me, it was utterly revolting. They held me ‘hostage’ on the ground, or at least Niall thought he did. “I’ve got him boys, let’s take this bastard down!” Liam brought over shredded cheese. How do they come up with this!? Liam handed the plate of cheese to Louis. He sat on top of me, like literally, he was sitting on me.  “Now, we are going to shove grated parmesan cheese if you don’t apologize for this criminal act of yours! Say the word Hazza, say sorry….!!”  I would never show them weakness, they cannot see me shrivel!! I thought in my head with that medieval voice. “NEVER!” I shouted. I actually did regret it. Louis stuffed a whole handful of cheese down my throat, I tried coughing the whole thing out but he held my mouth shut! He saw my face getting redder, man I was suffocating! He let me cough them out and spit them on the floor beside me. “Say it! Out loud!” Zayn shouted acting like he was Edward of twilight. “ You’re a vampire!” I stated, Louis stuffed even more cheese. I coughed them out again, I couldn’t take anymore, and this was One Direction torture. “OKAY FINE! I’M SORRY! HAPPY NOW? God, just enough with the cheese, you’re all trying to murder me!” I shouted at them, it was funny at first, but they took it way too far. But I guess this is how we make up, humiliate one another. That’s how we roll. “Haha nice one boys, we got him crying like a girl!” Liam said high-fiving each of them. I’ll let them have this one, just to get things back to normal between us. “Lou! Get off me! I need to wash up!” I shouted at him, he was still enjoying this. He finally got off, Niall helped me get up. I thanked him with a smile, he nudged my shoulder and said, “You have some explaining to do!” he smiled back. I glanced around at the whole area, what a mess! Tomato juice everywhere! We all went outside to hose off, didn’t want to get the house at an even worse state. We took turns handing each other the hose, Lou did some stripper moves and he kept pointing the hose at our penises, priceless! We all striped till our boxers and went back to the house, the maids were cleaning up, wouldn’t want to give them a fright seeing five naked boys! I took my shower in about five minutes, I had my own room and bathroom, it was actually quite luxurious, and the tub was a football pitch! I dressed up in another five, wore my basic sweats and a jumper, it was now the first of March, still chilly. As I walked into the living room, Liam and Niall were the only ones there, it seemed like they were watching Jersey Shore or something, my favorite! The couches were in an ‘L’ shape, they were grey and comfy, and they had a cozy feeling too. I jumped on an empty spot, and laid my legs; I put my hands behind my head, closed my eyes and just smiled. I was smiling. I had a very good reason to smile actually; it was because Lizzie was alive. Just the thought of her breathing brought me bliss. I couldn’t wait to see her again. “You seem rather happy?” Liam asked raising his eyebrows questioningly. “I am actually.” I replied, still smiling, it was permanent now.  “You never told us what kept ya so late, what on earth were ya up to?” Niall asked again, his voice went high, it seemed like he really wanted to know, and I did arrive at around 2:30 a.m. “Well, a lot of things happened at the hospital.” I answered back, “What kind of things….?” Liam continued. The thing is, I didn’t know how to describe it all for them, I didn’t want to tell them every detail, I wanted to keep some to myself, but I knew I had to give them some sort of explanation. I decided on telling them about the whole ‘bleeding kidney’ incident, and I may add a few white lies. Even thinking about it brought me chills. I shook my head and straightened my back on the couch. My legs were still laid across though; I ran a lot today and my muscles were aching. “You see her friend came, she seemed fine at first, they began joking around and all of a sudden Lizzie screams, her kidney was bleeding again and she stopped breathing. She kept on struggling on the bed because of the pain she was feeling. I mean I’m still mortified!” I answered back; the boys suddenly were alarmed listening intently to what I was saying. I continued, “What happened was, she was playing around with her friend, Ayla, so she started tickling her, I guess she was pretty ticklish, she stopped breathing for god’s sake! Doctor told us that she was blocking her own passage of air, her own trach- or I dunno the name of the tube in her throat, was blocked; she was placing her head down as if stopping the passage. She must have stayed in that position for a while, ‘cause her friend kept tickling her all the way, Lizzie was begging her to stop, but she didn’t. And her kidney, she kept moving around while Ayla was tickling her, the stitches tore and she started bleeding again, but it was a good thing, ‘cause the doctors took the blame, the stitches weren’t secure and it was better finding out now than at home. It’s just that….well; this all gave me quite a fright!”  I explained, adding emphasis at the end, this really was shocking. “Woah, all that happened now? God are you alright Harry?” Liam stood up to sit next to me and patted my back. “Yea, I’m fine now, it’s all better, thank god. She’s breathing now, so that’s a relief. Thing is, I really thought she was going to die back there, and I had to see it all in front of me.” I said, taking my legs off of the couch and resting my head in my hands. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at the two boys who could read my face like an open book.  “Is there more to this Harry? You seem tense mate.” Niall inquired. “Actually there is,” I answered back, although I wish I hadn’t. There was much more to this! The girl just told me the most horrific thing that could ever happen to a person. She told me to keep a crime a secret. I just saw her ex boyfriend threatening her and scaring her. She just opened up to me, a complete stranger to her. She cried her eyes out in front of me.

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