Chapter 15 - Hell broke loose.

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“You want to know something about my brother, Joey?” I asked smiling like an idiot; I was still dazzled by that small, but effective kiss. “Sure,” he said. “My parents named him after Joey, in friends, they loved the character so much they wanted to name their son after him, it’s kind of stupid actually.” “No, that’s cool, it would be nice to be named after someone, what about you, and your sister, your names are sort of…English?” he asked, “Yes actually, they are, my Mom’s name is Madeline, I told you how she’s British, so mom named the girls and dad named the boys, simply, you can see the contrast in personalities, my dad is just so American at times.” I said, he giggled, almost giving me goose bumps, oh how I love that giggle! I didn’t realize that my hand was still holding his, I pulled away but he pulled back, he wanted to hold my hand. HE WANTED TO HOLD MY HAND! I wouldn’t mind him holding my hand all day, it felt right, like they were two pieces in a puzzle.  I was gazing into his eyes when all of a sudden a girl who was short, skinny, wild haired, a brunette, with hazel/orange eyes, kind of far apart,  medium hair length which was curly/wavy wearing black framed glasses walked in, more like barged in with both worry and anger in her face. She completely ruined me and Harry’s moment. We quickly glanced at her direction looking alarmed, our hands split apart (damn it) and our eyes followed her every move. Nice to see you too, Ayla.

She just barged in, like she owned this place and walked right up to me muttering things that were incomprehensive. She hugged me so tight I stopped breathing, and once she let go, she stared at me then slapped me right on the face! It wasn’t that hard though, not as hard as……. Oh my god stop right there, don’t even think about that again, and take it out of your mind once and for good.  “The hell was that for?” I shouted. “For being an irresponsible idiot, careless and selfish, how could you not think about me? What would I have done to myself if something even worse than this happened, why can’t you tell me where you go to before going there? I’m so pissed at you now, but I’m also concerned, how are you feeling lov- and who is this?” “This is Harry, he helped me.” I answered like I was a dog obeying her.  She looked at him skeptically, she gave him that weird eye look, I mean what the hell? “Hi, nice to meet you…?” Harry stretched out his hand to shake, waiting for her to say her name. “Ayla” she said returning the shake from the opposite side of the bed. She looked at him with her eyebrow raised, and she had that suspicious look on her face. why is it, that whenever there is a male standing next to me, everyone has to think of it that way (if you know what I mean)? “So… what the hell’s going on? What the hell happened!!!” she almost yelled shaking me violently from my shoulders. “Ssssstop Ayla, stop, you’re hurting me!” I whispered. I felt a slight tinge of pain, somewhere, I don’t know where, but somewhere and it hurt, like, a lot! I shook my head as if by shaking it the migraine would go away. Harry moved closer to me looking into my eyes, he seemed concerned, “Are you alright Lizzie? Do you need something?” “Um, no, I’m fi- no actually, my heads kinda hurting, but I’m sure it’ll fade away soon.” I smiled back at him; he nodded, and moved away. I almost forgot that Ayla was in the room, every time Harry and I would look at each other, it’s like fireworks ignite, which is quite odd, because he’s not what I’m going for here. Every gaze, or stare, it’s like there’s no one around but us, I actually liked that feeling, but I didn’t know what it meant, yet. “Okay, so, um, what’s going on here??” oh my god I want to bury Ayla alive. “Nothing is going on here, so, did you get my stuff?” I asked looking all uncomfortable, trying to change the subject. I could feel my cheeks flushing, was I really blushing? I glanced at harry; only to see the same uncomfortable, awkward expression on his face, he was sort of blushing too! Did Ayla really realize that moment we had? I mean, it was just a long glance, you could say, why would she think something was going on? She realized that I wanted to change the subject, and I was so grateful when she did too, she wasn’t in that annoying- your- best- friend- mode in front of people. “Yup, got everything you needed, I bought you like five books, and like your personal things, and make up!” she said excitedly. My arch enemy, make up. “Oh, no, I’m not putting that toxic on my face!” I said defensively, she got closer to me and started pinching at my cheeks and squeezing really tightly. The most annoying thing anyone could do to me is to pinch my cheeks. She knew how much I hated it, and she was definitely getting back at me for changing the previous subject. “Yes you are, why yes you are, oh you’re so cute I wanna eat yo face, a cutchi cutchi coo, oh you’re so cute...” I slapped her hands away holding my aching cheeks. I am going to drown her in the toilet when I’m out of this hospital! I could feel the marks of her fingers on my face; her finger marks would have been white while the rest of my face is cherry red! My cousins use to make fun of them, they would flavor my cheeks! I mean how stupid that is!? They would pinch my cheeks and go like, vanilla then strawberry, vanilla then strawberry… and they would continue till I complained to my parents. The joke, till now, never gets old. “Owww! What’s your problem? I can report you, do you know that? They can kick you out of the hospital for such abuse!” I shouted at her, kind of laughing, I was in a playful mood. “Oh really?  Would they kick me out for this?” and that was when hell broke loose.

She started tickling me violently, and she knows how ticklish I am! I was laughing frenziedly; she tickled all my tickle spots! I could hear Harry laughing with us; I was practically begging her to stop, pleading her with all my might, even Harry was helping me out, but then she tickled my waist, my injury. A scream escaped my lips.

The pain that I felt was unbelievable. Like I was stabbed once more. Like my kidney was folding itself and unfolding, it felt like there was a pulse; it would swell, and then shrink. It was killing me.

Author's Note: i didn't get any comments for the last 2 chapters! tell me what you think!!! please vote if you're reading this, more importantly if you're enjoying it ;) thanks again xx

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