
651 12 3

Song: None

Character:France/Francis Bonnefoy

Warnings: None



I looked out at the garden from my place on the patio, rubbing my large stomach, hoping to sooth the pain and aching there. 9 months down, and the baby was due any day now...

Arthur worked in the kitchen making some ginger tea for the pain.

Just days from the cradle, and I still haven't told Francis about the baby. He's called Arthur several time, and even showed up on our doorstep. All times I refused to speak to him, to look at him, to involve him in my life again.

I didn't want him to be a part of my child's life... Of our child's life...
But at the same time I did...

As much as it pains me to say it... I missed the Frenchman. I missed the way he held me at night, and the way he never for a second let me feel insecure. How he would whisper sweet nothings to me till I fell asleep again after I woke up from a nightmare. How we danced to sweet slow songs till we were both exhausted...

I missed Francis Bonnefoy... I missed my Francis...

What he did... Cheating on me...

It hurt...

But my love for him outweighed the hate...

Maybe I should call him...just once.

"Here you go, love" Arthur placed the ginger tea infront of me.

"Thank you, Artie " I take the cup and place it to my lips, and sip the sweet warm tea.

I sighed as the warmth soothed some of my abdominal pain.

Arthur smiled at me as he sipped his own tea. We sat in silence for awhile, just drinking our tea, and enjoying eachother's company.

"Hey, Arthur?" I said softly.

He hummed in reply.

"I think I'm ready to call Francis now..."

Arthur's emerald green eyes bore into mine with shock, "Are you sure, love?"

I nodded, "the baby is due any day now, and Francis doesn't even know I'm pregnant, I think it's time he knew.."

Arthur nodded, "When should we call?"

"Now, if it's alright" I took the last sip from my tea, "preferably before I chicken out again"

Arthur chuckled at my joke, and I smiled along.

"I'll go get the telephone, then" Arthur said as he stood up from his chair.

"No need, " I chimed in, "my cellphones just on the counter, I'll get it"

As I stood up a sharp pain shot through my stomach and I doubled over gripping the table for support.

Arthur rushed to my side, supporting, me as well.

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