The Only Plan

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We went home. Mark and Cass where quiet and it was awkward in the car.

" Mind telling me what's going between you two?"
I said. I hate suffocating environments so I just start to blurt stuff out.

" Ari."

Mark said. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he drove.

" Seriously I just got abducted and Cass got shot and I killed someone. I think I'm over the whole keeping me in the dark."

" Is not about that." He soften up his tone.

" I didn't say anything to him when I went to get you and I messed up." Cass intervened.

" Sarge I mean this with no disrespect but what the fuck where you thinking?"

" I wasn't." She admitted.

" look I'm grateful that you saved my sister of course but things could have gone way worse than they did. Both of you could have died."

" But we didn't." I said.

" Ari stop." Cass said. " He's right shit could have gone really bad."

" But they didn't! Why are we dwelling on this!" I groaned. " We should be worried about what's going to happen when we get home. Those guys contacted dad not to mentioned he's dying."

" Wait what?" Mark suddenly stomped on the breaks.

They both looked back.

" Yes dad is dying." I just realized I failed to mention that.

" Where did you get that idea."

" Is not an idea Riley told me." Saying his name out loud made my heart brittle and a part of me wasn't ready to face the fact that I took his life.

" Who is Riley." He asked puzzled.

" Seriously you guys are FBI but I feel like you know less than I do. Riley is that man that I killed." I said flatly.

Deep inside I did not want to keep talking. Being a murder was eating me alive. I didn't know how to deal with the agony but I would do it all over again if it meant saving Cass and that's what I was holding on to.

" He said dad was dying and that they wanted him to retire because he's trying to sink everyone with him. One of your guys that is working on this operation is part of them. Someone is covering it up."

" What?" Mark was confused and Cass looked like she was thinking.

" Mark go to your house now and fast. This was all a set up." Cass said suddenly.

" What?"

" Duke set us up. He was the one who got me on this operation and he told me to watch Ari like a hawk because she knew something but then I fell in love with her and I told him I didn't want to do that anymore. I didn't give him explanations or anything but then I went to the lab and got the tracking device and he saw me take it but didn't say anything. He knew it was for Ari that's why they took her. He knew everything. He knew I was going to find her and you where going to follow. If I'm not mistaken Riley was a cop wasn't he?"

" Yeah.." I said shocked at everything she was saying.

" I just hurt a lot of people getting to Ari and one of them was a cop that we know of. The FBI should be covering this up but we haven't gotten a single call through. They are going to pin the whole mess on us."

Marked stepped on it. " Mom is at the house!" Mark yelled.

He drove really fast and before I knew it we where at the house. The house was swarming with cops.

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