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A lot of things had been transpiring lately and I think my own body has forgotten about my issues. I haven't had a single episode of panic in a while even with everything that's going on. I was grateful for that I could barely handle what was happening in my life. I didn't need more things to worry about.

Right now I was on my way to find Nikki. Luckily we share each other's GPS in case of emergency so I was currently following it. I was being lead to what seemed like a college dorm. My only thought was that he was with her boyfriend. It was about 30 minutes away from Sally's.

"Common stupid best friend answer the damn phone." I shouted desperately.

Still no answer.

I pressed my breaks when I saw cop lights outside the place.

" Oh shit."

I waited for a few seconds assessing the situation. Then I saw a cop reeling Nikki out while she kicked and screamed and a few others shouting. A particular boy yelled more than others and was trying to get closer to Nikki. That must be her boyfriend I thought.

" Nikki." I shouted.

I got impatient and ran towards her. My best friend was screaming and crying and I needed to know why. She looked like she had been in a fight. A few scratches but nothing serious. I soon reached her.

The cops stops wrestling with her when they noticed my presence calmed her down.

" Ari." She cried.

" It wasn't us we didn't do anything."
She held my arms as I scanned her face. He make up was ruined from the crying and she had definitely been in a fight.

" let me go damn it." I heard the boy shout. " Nikki." He yelled.

" Yeah take him to jail! He attacked my friend." Said a boy coming out of the crowd.

" Wish I could bust your face too!" The boy being held shouted.

He was being held on the ground by 4 cops. They where having a hard time containing him.

" Let me go damn it!" He shouted some more.

" Tell him to calm down." I told her.

"Ethan it's okay stop." She cried.

" Get off me. Damn it." He kept squirming. " Nikki are you hurt." He shouted while he was in the ground.

" I'm ok stop fighting them please." She cried.

That seem to do the trick because he stopped and let the cops arrest him.

" Ma'm you need to back up." Said the officer as he signaled me to back up. back.

Nikki held on to me tighter.

"It's okay. We are going to figure this out." I told her.

"I'm a friend." I shouted at the cop.

" Back up" he shouted. The cop pulled me from Nikki and threw me on the ground.

" she's going to jail. She can't leave with you." He said sternly.

" The hell she is." I yelled.

" Woah deputy relax. She's a Haze."
Said an unfamiliar voice.

" Sorry Miss." said the scruffed looking man. He seemed to know me but I did not know him.

" Look due to the fight that happened a few minutes ago she has to come with us. She's going to have a bail and you can get her at the station. You will need someone over 21 to come bail her out."

"Ari." Nikki yelled.

" Don't worry I'll see you soon. I'm going to take care of this." I shouted.

I watched as they took her and Ethan away. I felt so horrible for letting them take her.

" what happened here." I asked the man that seemed to know me.

" We aren't sure. This was called by a third party saying there was a fight inside the dorm. When we arrived that young man Ethan beat another young man and he got taken to the hospital. Your friend was just really riled up and wouldn't calm down and let us do our job."

"Thank you for explaining. I didn't catch your name?"

" Riley Smith." He extended his hand. "I'm an old friend of your fathers."

I shook it and saw something that made my palms sweaty. That ring he was wearing was the same exact ring that boy at the cemetery was wearing. It couldn't be a coincidence could it? I don't think this man is a friend of Patrick's.

"Thank you for your help again and it's nice to meet a friend of my father's." I smiled.

I walked towards my car and drove off. My forehead and my palms where really sweaty. Who is that man. I wanted to find out but I had a lot of other priorities at hand.

I had to go home and find Cass. She's the only one I trust to get Nikki out without saying a word and asking me a million questions. I feel like a mess because we are always playing this push and pull game. I needed to swallow my pride and ask her for this favor. I knew she would do it without question but the fact that I'm asking her for help bothers me in a childish kind of way but I had to accept I needed her help.

I arrived home and hurried inside.

" Cass?" I called.

" Hey are you ok? What's going on?" She must have heard something in my voice because she came rushing towards me.

" I'm ok. I'm sorry I'm just a little shaken. The cops took Nikki to jail."  I said choking on my words. I wasn't sure why tears just started to run down my face. I wasn't worried about Nikki but it probably had to do with everything else. Having the person that I care the most about in front of me made me feel weak.

" Hey. hey. it's okay." She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around me.

I let her embrace me in a hug and I buried my face in her chest. I let tears run silently.

" I know I'm difficult and I probably have no right to ask you for help but I need your help. I can't bail Nikki out without an adult."

Deep inside I wanted to ask for her help even with my pride involved. I needed her on my side. My heart was split part of me just wanted to be near her and another part of me didn't. I was scared of us. I was scared of all the consequences of being next to her. Not to mention I have no idea how she feels. I was not sure which was scarier Patrick or the thought of rejection.

" Ok. Let me grab my coat. Meet me in my car." She wiped my tears and starred at me for a second then left without a single question. I was so grateful for that.

I sat in the driver's seat contemplating what would be my next move after this. I think I need to talk to Cass about everything. I needed some help and I can't do this alone. I was having a lot of mental battles at the moment.

The door opened and she sat in the drivers seat and took off to the police station.

" Is she okay?" She asked looking at the road.

" Yeah. There was a fight between her boyfriend and some other guy. I don't know much."

" well that's good that's she's okay."

" I'm sorry for asking you to do this. I know you would rather be doing something else."

" Hey." She looked at me. " There's no where is rather be Ari. Just so you know. This. Us. Is just as difficult as it is for you. It is the same for me. Maybe not in the same way but it is the same. I wish you would just trust me." She place her hand on top of mine.

That minimal touch made me feel at home, safe and at ease. I had no doubt what I felt for her was strong. Probably stronger than I could imagine. Maybe I did need to open up to her. She needed to know what was going on regardless.

" I really want to talk this time. After we get Nikki. There's a lot that you need to know."

She nodded and stayed quiet the rest of the way.

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