Dark Night

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Dinner with Amy and her parents went well.  Is safe to say that they like me. I think Amy is in the safe zone now.

" Thank you for such a lovely dinner Miss Haze. You are so charming dear."

Amy's mom was quite the character. I could see she was desperate to marry her daughter into a rich family. I can't blame her for wanting a good future for her daughter but this is definitely not the way to go about it. I was glad that mom nor Patrick made me go on marriage arrangements. Maybe it was the whole I have a heart problem. Which has actually been fine for the past month. I'm steadily getting better and taking my pills on time. The doc even told me I could go back to playing tennis not that it mattered since it was cold outside but it was still nice to hear.

" Thank you Ma'm I had a lovely night."  I gotta give myself props I was really good at faking this.

" If it's okay can Amy spend the night at my house? I promised we would study together."

Amy looked at me puzzled.

" Please mom?"

She went along with it anyway.

" Okay dear but make sure you go to school."  She smiled and they went off.

" Samuel was it?"

" Yes Ma'm"  the young driver answered.

He was one of Patrick's body guards. I had asked him if her could drive us and bring a limo. He agreed without question which was nice. Part of it worked in my favor. I'm sure Patrick was still keeping tabs on me. He said I had to be a good girl so this is me being a good girl.

" Take us home."

" Yes Ma'm."

Shortly after we arrived home. Cass was standing out front smoking a cigarette.

" Is that Miss Scarlet smoking?" Amy asked surprised.

" Uh yeah. She does that once in a while. Helps with her stress apparently." I shrugged.

" That's surprising never pegged her for a smoker."

" Me neither."

" Good evening girls." She smiled and started stomping her cigarette out.

" Hello Miss Scarlet." Amy greeted.

I could tell she was nervous. Well even I'm nervous I don't know if Cass might be mad for bringing Amy home.

" Please call me Cass out of school." She smiled.

At least she didn't seem mad but something was off.

" Amy go on and head in I'll be there in a sec."

She nodded and went inside.

" You okay?"

" Yeah. Your brother gave me a call. He will be home soon."

Just when I thought her and I where finally finding our normal. I had forgotten the big elephant in the room and his name is Mark.

" Today?"

" Yes today. Don't worry. Go on up with Amy. I'm going to wait for him."

She patted my head my head. I guess she was trying to give me reassurance but her face wasn't really helping one bit. Did she even want to break up with him? Why was she making such a worried face?"

" If you don't want to breakup with him you don't have to."

Words literally just come out sometimes. I'm to blunt for my own good. Was I ready to hear that answer? Well it's to late now. I was going to hear it anyway.

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