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Kinda spent the whole day in a daze thinking what will happen when I see her at home.

I've never felt like this about anyone. It was both exciting and scary. If we decide to be someone we would be breaking a lot of laws. Not to mention my brother. Could I really betray him like this? Could she? Did she love him? I had a lot of questions.

" Hey Ari" yelled Nikki across the hall.

" You are way to popular."

" What?"

" Here." She handed me a letter.

" What is this?"

"I don't know. You tell me? Some pretty girl gave it to me. Hot nerdy brunette?"

" Maybe it was some girl I met at a party?"

"Open it." She said excitedly.

Hey, My name is Amy I'm in your fourth. I really like you and I would like to get to know you. Maybe we could grab a bite? Meet me at Sally's on Sunday at 7 if you are interested.

" Do we know an Amy from fourth?"

" Ohhh that's where she's from. Hot brunette, quiet girl sits corner left."

" Mmm ah. Yes now I remember. I've never even talk to the girl. She's not my type."

" Oh common! She could be good for you. Give it a try."

" What? Weren't you obsessed with Cass and I two seconds ago?"

" I mean yeah but you insist on saying no. So this girl can't hurt? Believe is or not I believe in love." She smiled.

" Who are you and what have you done with Nikki?"

" Really?" She starred. " Fine. Fair enough. I met someone. I really really like him."

" What?" I said excited. " Since when?" I grinned.

" Um he helped me get you in the car once. We talked after and we really hit it off. He's a college boy."

" Why are you just telling me about this."

" Because you were drowning in your sorrows. I wanted to wait till you were better."

" That's amazing." I couldn't contain my happiness for her. She was super picky so this guy must be pretty perfect.

" So are gonna meet her? "

" I don't know Nikki. Cass and I sorta had a moment at the infirmary that we are supposed to talk about at home."
I whispered.

" What?" She yelled. Wide eyed.

" Shhhh. I'll tell you about it later. I gotta go."  I smiled and hurried home.

I was really nervous walking in the door. I wasn't sure what to do or what to say.  It was odd when I came in though. Her shoes weren't at the front door.

" Cass?"  I called.

No answer.

I went to look for her in her room but nothing. I noticed something odd that I didn't notice before. She didn't have any decorations. It no pictures with her sister or anything. It felt cold.

I waited a few hours for her while I was in the kitchen. I laid my head down feeling sad. She had forgotten about me. I felt my eyes get heavy and I drifted asleep.

"No let me go."  I yelled frantically.

" Stay still Ariana. I don't want to hurt you." The man said.

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