The Wait

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At this point we had all gotten arrested which was pretty scary. It was the first time I had ever been in cuffs. We where all quickly separated. I was really scared that my plan was not going to work and that we would all get a life sentence. At this point I had to believe that the plan would work.

" Hey there. Thought I would see you again. Now we will have a chance to talk." Duke smirked.

The guard got me out of the cell and put me in a single room. With a chair and a desk and four walls that surrounded me.

Duke walks in with a folder.

"So" he says as he sits down.

" I've got nothing to say to you and I want a lawyer." I interrupt.

" Sweetheart. Your parents are both in jail if you don't cooperate you are going to end up with them."

" Lawyer." I say.

He slams his hands on the desk making me flinch.

Suddenly the door flies open.

" Get away from my client and you are not to question her anymore."

God. I had never been so happy in my life.

" Ari. Sweetie. Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine thank you so much for coming." I hugged her tightly.

" And who the hell are you?" Said Duke sounding aggravated.

" Mind your tone sir. I will be representing Ariana Grey, Mark Grey , Trisha Grey and Cassandra Scarlett."  She handed him a card.

" You need to provide me the time to visit all of my clients before questioning." She spoke confidently.

" How did you pull this off." He looked at me. Anger raging from his eyes.

" Now provide us a private room. Detective." She stated.

" Okay. Have your way." He smiled.

We where soon in an empty room. No cameras around.

" I'm sorry." I began.

" oh no. Please there is nothing to apologize for. You are like a daughter to me. Nikki explained the majority about what's going on. Although I don't approve of that teacher of yours but that's certainly none of my business." She smiled. Reassuring me.

I know to the world Cass and I just don't look right and that's really scary but I'm in love with her and I'll be damned if let this world drag us down when we haven't even had a chance at a relationship.

" So this fella Duke. He's pretty tight shut but I'm confident I can dig some stuff up. Explain what happened from head to toe and then I'll determine what our course of action is."

" Should you be talking to me first? I'm sure Cass and Mark have better insight."

" From what Nikki told me this was your plan so I need to hear everything from you."

I nodded and began explaining everything. After an hour I think I managed to summarize everything up until this point.

"Wow." She laid back and sighed. " That's one hell of a story."

" Okay I'm going to talk to your mom next. She seems to be the odd one out and I need to figure out what she knows."

" Okay." I said.

" Oh hun don't worry. I got this Okay? I'm not the best for nothing." She smiled.

I soon went back into a cell. Indulging in my thoughts. I wanted to see Cass really bad. I was so scared.

I got taken back to my cell and I waited patiently. Then I got taken to a general cell with other inmates. I looked for Cass but she was nowhere to be found. I thought for sure we would be in the same place but that wasn't the case. I laid on my bunk and the other bunk seemed to be empty at the moment.

" Hey there sweetheart." 

I looked up and some lady with broken teeth and a blonde sloppy short hair met my eyes.

" hello." I said flatly.

" Oh. To cute to have a talk?" She suddenly jumped on my bed and pinned my legs under hers. I felt her hot breath on me.

" Let go." I yelled and squirmed.

I saw the guard pass by but he ignored what was happening.

" Common sweetheart you know you want this. It's a special warm welcome from me." She smiled.

" Please just let go." I said feeling like I was about to cry.

She held both of my arms down as she lowered herself to me and began to kiss my face as I tried to evade her lips. I felt repulsed and I wanted to vomit. I kept squirming as my tears began to fall silently.

Cass where are you? I asked myself. I begged for her help and this was the first time she didn't come. I knew I was alone and that I had to do something for myself.

" Fuck off." I yelled and I gained the strength to move.

She slapped me across my face.

" shut up and stop moving." She said in a low toned voice. I could feel her hot breath on mine.

She pinned both of my hands with hers. She was much stronger than me and I could not move my hands. I felt her hand go inside my pants touching me. I was sick to my stomach and prettified. I just laid there. I couldn't remember what had happened after she left. I'm not even sure how long she violated me for. I just cried silently and laid there. Why was I even here? I couldn't remember.

It happened again and I again all I could do was squirm and give up. When I showered I scrubbed endlessly until my skin was red. I felt like if I scrubbed hard enough I could wash off the feeling.

I had been in jail for a week I think. I had lost my sense of time. I wasn't sure what day it was.

" Haze." Someone said.

"Haze. Get up and get your shit." Someone yelled.
" You are being released."

" Aww already." Well I had my fun. Hope you enjoy life on the outside." She laughed. As I walked behind the guard with my head down. I wasn't sure where I was going but I just followed like a zombie. I had forgotten why I was in jail in the first place.

I was repulsed at myself for not fighting more for letting do what she did to me. How could I face Cass now? I felt dirty and I honestly wanted to die. I practically let someone else touch me and I couldn't do a thing about it. Would she be repulsed by me? Would she hate me? Of course she would. I hated myself.

I looked up and I froze. Cass was standing there with everyone else. They looked happy but I didn't feel any joy. Hell was inside my brain. Hell was my skin. Hell was all of the feelings. I felt disgusted by the thoughts of someone violating me over and over and that was all that played in my head while I watched them smile at me.

My eyes just fogged up as I hit the ground.

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