Merry Christmas

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It was now Christmas Eve.

The house was full of people. Women in beautiful dresses with layers of makeup and beautiful jewelry. Men wore suit and ties. This was the typical Haze Eve as I like to call it. It was all a show.

Nikki and her parents also showed up every year. I really hoped they wouldn't be a part of whatever Patrick had going on. He hasn't bothered me ever since that day either. Cass and I haven't talked at all. I just feel so betrayed and she really didn't try to fix it period. I'm not sure what makes me more mad. The fact that she lied to me or the fact that she's good at pretending she doesn't care. I guess at this point we are both playing that game. The whole school thinks Amy and I are getting married. It's sorta getting out of hand but at this point I could care less. Amy knows that I don't like her like that and she's okay with pretending. So I guess it works out for both of us.

I had spoken to my brother about Cass and the kind of work they do. Turns out that Cass and Mark were a pretend couple obviously. Cass is actually highly trained and she has had plenty of successful operations. Mark needed her in order to make his cover solid. They needed evidence to be able to put dad behind bars. He is apparently a mastermind trafficker and they have been chasing him for years before my brother even hopped on board. He also explained what happened to Zack's parents was pretty brutal.

Now here I am in this party wearing a black and silver dress with black heels. I hate wearing a dress but this is what my mother picked out. I also wore my hair up in a braid and simple silver necklace with a feather that hung from it.

I felt sick to my stomach watching that man be a total different person in front of mom. She would be devastated if she only knew how sick he was. My bother and I are keeping a close eye on her. I feel terrible for keeping her in the dark but her knowing would only put her more at risk. This situation only justified why Cass left me in the dark but I told her pretty much everything and she still kept me in the dark. She asked me to trust her but I guess in her mind it didn't work the other way around.

" Oh my you look beautiful."

Said Nikki's mom. She is so kind to me. She is like my second mother.

I smiled. " Thank you but I don't compare to you."

She worked a blue silky dress with black heels and her dark hair hung loosed. She wore light makeup which exposed he beautiful thin face. She didn't look a day older than 25.

" You flatter me." She put her hand against her chest and smiled.

"Where is Nikki?"

" I haven't seen her today."

I looked around trying to located her but instead my eyes laid on a beautiful looking Cass. She wore the most beautiful red dress that hugged every curve exposing her beautifully toned body. The dress went just above the knees. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I had force myself as I made contact with the mans eyes. I was instantly sick as I shot daggers at him. I could see a slight smirk form on his mouth when he saw my look.

" Hey." She startled me.

We had not talked since that day at the FBI headquarters. It had been about a month maybe. Her presence makes my hands sweaty. I wished for a lot of things right now. Touching her was one of those. I missed her so much but I'm not sure I'm ready to forgive her and she wasn't making it any easier by deliberately not talking to me.

" Hi." I managed to say.

" Kudos to us for being stunning."  She mocked in a playful tone.

" Right." I said drily.

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