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He grabbed me by the throat and began to tighten his grip slowly.

" I will enlighten you as I watch the light in you eyes go out." He whispered roughly as I felt the air leave my lungs.

" Zack Stop." Nikki yelled.

" Oh you brought company? I will deal with them as soon as I deal with you."

" Run." I gasped for air. I barely managed to get the word out.

I felt my eyes getting heavy. My eye lids closed where closing on their own.

" Zack please stop." I heard Nikki yell once more.

Suddenly he released me and he blood trickled down his head. It was like watch a movie in slow motion.

I started gasping for air and coughing as I felt the air settle back into my lunch. I grabbed my throat. I could still feel the faint grip.

" Ari." Nikki yelled.

I felt Nikki and Amy at each side trying to soothe me. Zack was on the ground now. It seemed like someone smashed him in the head hard enough to cause him to go out. He wasn't dead though. I could see the faint rise and fall as he laid on flat on his stomach.

" Ari are you okay?"

" Mark?" I looked up and there they where. Mark and Cass where both in front of me.

" You gave me a scare." Mark sat on the floor rubbing his head.

" I'm okay."

" Okay?" Cass snapped. " You made a damn mess and you involved your friends in your crazy stunt. Here we are cleaning your damn mess."

" Mess?" I yelled.

I looked at her and stood up.

" Yeah it may have been reckless but for once in my life I want to fight. Something that I can't say about you."

I snapped back. Yelled as much as I could at the top of my lungs until my voice gave out.

I was fighting for her damn it. For us and for everyone. It hurt like hell that she called it a stunt like I was some dumb teenager.

I felt myself get dizzy and loose my balance.

" Ari don't exert yourself." Nikki held my arm.

" Mark. Grab Zack and let's go. He has information on Patrick and we need to know what that is." I told him with a straight face. I was having a hard time standing but I had not forgotten why I was here.

" What? Are you sure?" He asked puzzled.

" Yes" Amy intervened. "According to what I've heard his vendetta against Ari has to do with your Father."

" How sure are you uhh."

"I'm Amy and I'm very sure."

" Okay let's go then." He decided without a second thought. I was glad he trusted me and my friends.

Mark and Cass picked him up. It seems abnormally casual the way they picked him up and dragged him in the trunk.

Nikki and Amy walked me to the car as I was still having dizzy spells.

" Follow me." Mark said.

We got into the car and drove in silence. I had a feeling Amy and Nikki where pretty mad at me so I didn't attempt to say anything.

We drove up to an old warehouse. It seemed deserted. I watched them haul Zack out of the car and drag him while we followed silently. They had taped his mouth and his wrists together.

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