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I opened my eyes. Still on the bed but I felt unsettlingly calm. Even though I knew the truth. She was sleeping next to me. I looked down and her arms lingered across my body. She snuggled like a child would.

Her hands where covered in bandages. They must have been deep cuts because I could see the bandages where starting to bleed through.

I touched her hand softly. I didn't want to wake her up but something made me move. I just wanted to put my hand against hers.

" Hey." I said as I saw her blink and open her eyes.

" Oh I'm sorry." She suddenly got up.

" No. it's okay." I smiled. " Thank you."

" What for?" She asked puzzled.

" I can feel something. Here." I pointed at my heart.

" I know you. I know I do. Wish I could remember. I wouldn't have calmed down if it weren't for you." I laughed. " Maybe you shouldn't have threatened the doctor though. You could have gotten hauled out."

She laughed.

It was such a beautiful laugh. Like a flash I remembered. The first time I saw her laughing. My brother introduced me to her and I fell flat on my ass. It was just a flash though. I remembered nothing else.

" Wait what's wrong. I'll get the doc."

" No!" I said. "It's okay. I just remembered when I first met you."

" You did?" She said excited.

"How'd you get injured?" I said pointing a the bandages.

" Oh...this. It's nothing. Just me being stupid." She said flatly.

" What do you mean"

" Can I speak to my daughter." My mom peaked in the room. Intervening out conversation.

She didn't seem mad. She was in those scrubs. Of course i was in her hospital. I was glad to see she was doing well. I could only imagine how her jail time was.

There it was. Another flash. That woman. I remember her. I clenched my fists hard and tears fell from my eyes. She did that to me. More than once...more than twice.

" Ari." My mom suddenly said.

" I remember her. That woman."

" Tell me who it is." Cass suddenly said.

She had a terrifying voice but I wasn't scared. I had heard it before. Something told me to keep the name to myself for now.

" I don't remember her name." I lied. " I just somewhat remember her face."

" Cass can you get me some coffee?" I asked kindly.

She glanced at my mom who was waiting eagerly to talk to me.

" Okay I'll be right back."

She quietly exited.

" hey hun." She said. " Can I hug you?"

" Of course mom." I smiled.

I love my mom. Yeah maybe she wasn't here for most of my life but she did the best she could. She was better than my father. That's for sure.

She hugged me tightly.

" I'm sorry honey. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me." She said.

" It's okay mom. I don't think either of us were good to each other."

" God when did you become so mature." She looked at me with tender eyes.

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