Hallway and Infirmary

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"Hey Ari?" I froze at the voice in the middle of the hall. I was Zack. I had not seen him since he marked his hand on my arm.

He stepped closer and I back up in an impulse. My back ran right into the lockers making a sound.

" We need to talk." He said angrily.

" Maybe another time. I have to go." I said trying to dash out of the situation. I was honestly a little scared at the moment. I felt bad instantly.

" Wait." He grabbed my hand. Memories of my captives when I was a child resurfaced. It was stuff I couldn't even remember till this moment. I tried I pull away but her wouldn't let go. I looked at Zack but I didn't see him. I saw a masked man. It was like I was living the moment I got abducted.

" Let go." I yelled frantically.

" Stop struggling."  I didn't know this man but I had heard his voice before.

" Mr. Everest." I hear another yell. The voice snapped be back to reality. It was suddenly Zack holding my arm like deja vu from the last time I encountered him. Cass was now grabbing Zack's arm. She was the one that yelled.

" It's in your best interest to let go right now Zack."  She said sternly.

Cass has never called him by his first name. She wore a facial expression I'd never seen before. Like she was a total different person at this moment. It even scared me.

" You again? Mind your damn business." He snapped.

What was going on with him I wondered.

He suddenly swung at Cass and she swiftly stepped back. He swung yet again and somehow she grabbed his thumb and pulled down to the ground.

" Ah." He yelled in pain and his body toppled getting on one knee.

" Told you not to do that." She starred him down. Still holding onto his thumb.

I was extremely surprised and turned on by the series of events. Where did she even learn  all of this?

We where now surrounded by a bunch of students watching the whole thing unfold in the middle of the hall.

" What's going on." Mr. Knox from right across the hall classroom said pushing through a bunch of students.

" Oh nothing." Said Cass as she released Zack. She shot daggers at him with her eyes.

" Mr. Everest was just going. Weren't you?"

He looked at her in disgust and anger and then he looked at me.

" This isn't over." He said dryly and walked away passed the students who now made a path for him.

I wasn't sure why Zack was so angry at me. I almost got killed looking for answers because of him. I definitely needed to talk to him at some point.

" Damn Miss Scarlet is a ninja!" I heard someone say.

" Miss Scarlet Rocks."

" Serves him right."

"That was hot."

Various comments followed.

" Alright everyone go to your classes." Said Mr. Knox while attempting to disperse the crowd.

" Ari! Move people best friend coming through." Nikki pushes passed the crowd.

" I'm okay. Calm down."

She placed both her hands on my face and examined me.

She glanced at Cass.

" Thank you."

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