Chapter 14

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We arrived at BWW soon after Drew changed into a t-shirt and athletic shorts. When we arrived we found that Zoe and Jake have yet to arrive, we sat down in a booth and waited for their arrival.

"She did say 11, right?"

"I told you, she's always late."

Drew rolled his eyes and looked at the menu. I texted Zoe to hurry up and where we were seated. I put my phone up and looked at the menu. 

"Hi! I'm Kylie and I'll be your server this afternoon. What can I start you off with to drink?"

I looked at Drew and he shrugged, ordering a beer and a tea for myself. Kylie disappeared and I went back to searching the menu. Drew rested his hand on my upper thigh and I started to blush. I could feel his eyes on me and a smirk forming on his face. 

Kylie came back with the drinks and his hand was removed.

"Are you ready to order or are we going to wait for the rest of your party?"

I looked around for Zoe, but there wasn't a sign of her. 

"I think we'll wait."

"Okay! Would you like an appetizer while you wait?"

I was about to answer no when Drew spoke up.

"Please. We'll take the fried pickles."

I cut my eyes at him and he winked.Kylie leaned over writing down the order and smiling at Drew.

"Okay. I'll get that right out." She disappeared again and I kept my eyes on Drew.


"She's totally flirting with you, are you that ignorant?"

"I thought she was just being friendly."

I scoffed and saw Zoe and Jake enter the dining area. They noticed us immediately and headed our way. Jake getting into the booth first then Zoe following behind. Kylie came back with the pickles and took their drink orders, flirting a little more with Drew.

Zoe held Jake's hand and looked over the menu. Jake whispered something in her ear that I couldn't hear and she let go of his hand. We all put our menus to the side and made small talk. Drew and Jake conversing and Zoe and I conversing. We were all in a deep conversation on what to do that weekend, we hadn't noticed Kylie had come to take our orders.

She squatted down and looked over at Jake for his order, then Zoe, then mine and ending with Drew. She batted her eye lashes, smiling and giggling at him. He removed his hand from the table and rested back on my upper thigh, Kylie watched as he did so and my face turned red. He winked at me and I looked down, my hair falling in front of me and Drew acting like he's whispering into my ear. When in reality all he said was, "I really want a cookie."

Kylie was gone when I looked up and Zoe and Jake were busting laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"She was so mad when you did that, man. I hope she doesn't spit in your food."

Drew smiled and looked at his phone. I looked at Zoe and she winked and I shook my head.

"You liar, did too."

"We'll talk about it later."

Jake cocked his eye brow and stared at Zoe. She whispered in his ear, he then looked at me and made a "tsk tsk" noise. I blushed and looked at Drew, who was still looking at his phone. 

Kylie came back with our food.

"Is there anything else I can get you guys?"

Jake nodded, "Can I get some more ranch, please?"

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