Chapter 12

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I arrived at the airport soon after the call and parked near gate G8. I looked around me to see a quiff cut that wasn't worn correctly, but over looked him. He knocked on my window, frieghtning me and having a good laugh afterwards. I unlocked the car and popped the trunk. He put his bags in the trunk, closed it and got into the car. 

"Are you sure you're okay to drive? You seemed a bit startled." He smiled, a perfect row of whtie teeth were shown and I couldn't help but smile. I'd only seen real smile on his face a few times. Other times he was smiling at how ignorant the teenage mind can be. That smile was soon followed by him pinching the bridge of his nose or wipping his face with his hands. 

"Yes, I'm okay to drive." I put the car into drive and drove away from the airport.

Drew turned up the radio and softly sang along to it. I looked over at him for a second not wanting to take my eyes off the road, I noticed one thing different about him. His hair was in an actual quiff.

I held back a laugh and shook my head, he looked over at me cocked an eyebrow.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Your hair."

"My hair?"



"It's up in a quiff, you never quiff it."

"You always bugged me about it, and when I did it at the high school, you were always gone. So I did it today." He smiled a little bit, but I frowned.

"You always knew I wasn't going to be at school those days though. I texted you and Keller when I wasn't." 

He nudged my arm and I made a pout face. He then proceeded to attempt to make my frown into a smile. After about the tenth timed he tried, I removed his hand from my face.

I pulled into the apartment complex and parked the car. He looked up at the building amazed. He shook his head and looked at me.

"You live here?"


"How? You're fresh out of high school."

"It pays off when you save twenty percent of every money given to you."

He nods and steps out of the car. I pop the trunk and he receives his belongings, following me up to my apartment.

"You're welcome to crash here until you leave." I smile and continue to walk to the kitchen.

"Do you have a guest room or..?" He trails off, I shake my head no.

"You can have the couch or share a bed with me. Pick your poison." I wink and go back to pouring myself a coke. He laughs a bit and disappears into my room. I soon follow and sit in the middle of my bed. I watch as he unpacks his bags and stuff them in drawers and walk in and out of the bathroom. He finally finished and crashed on the bed. 

I scooted back to rest my back on the headboard. He grabbed my ankle and slid me back down to him.

"Where are you going?"

I giggled and played with his hair.

"No where now." 

He nodded and closed his eyes while I continued to play and mess up his hair. He grabbed my hips and pulled me on top of him, my head on his chest and his arms protectectively around me. 

"Good night, Rayley." His voice was raspy and deeper than normal, his accent was a bit thicker and it made the hairs on my arms stand up. His chest rose and fell and he drifted off. 

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