Chapter One

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We drove all day long. Trying to beat the traffic, we left at seven in the morning rather than our scheduled time, nine. We would briefly stop for food or the rest room, then start back on the highway again.

Since I don't fancy driving most of the time, Zoe drove most of the way. Every now and then when she'd get tired, I would drive. We had my car being pulled behind her truck. Our stuff in the bed of her truck and filling up the emptiness of my car. It's amazing how much can fit into a 2012 Ford Mustang.

We finally arrived to Pensacola Beach, Florida where our new apartment awaited us. We quickly undid our belts and ran up to our sector. I haven't seen the apartment in person before, I had only seen pictures. Zoe had gotten a virtual tour from her on-line friend, Sam, who lives only a couple doors down. Apparently, this was the best apartments for college students of our pay.

I stepped into my new home. It had the faint smell of vanilla. The walls where a faint color of beige. I mentally noted to paint the walls before the summer was over. I walked over to my half of the apartment. I had a medium sized bedroom, with all my new furniture already delivered. I turned my focus to the bathroom door on my left, and opened it. My new bathroom was huge. There was no way it could all be mine, but it was. The receptionist had looked at Zoe and I a little funny when she saw we had the apartment with the two "king-sized" bathrooms. I guess it's because Zoe and I are new and she probably thinks we don't have jobs yet, but we have that covered.

I walked around the bathroom. It has a jacuzzi, a walk in shower (it's made of stone, you walk in through this little passage way and take a right and look! Shower, pretty cool to me) and a double sink that was made of ivory marble top. I gaped at the fact this was all mine now.


We had just started unpacking after the long forty-five minutes of hauling boxes from the vechicles to the apartment, when someone knocked on the door. Knowing Zoe, she probably was still sorting through the boxes trying to find one in particular to start with, softball gear and she was a lot closer to the door.

"Zo! Get the door!"

I heard her sigh heavily as she got up and went to the door. After a few seconds I heard murmuring voices and laughter. As a grew more and more curious, I finally got up to see who it was. I walked into the living room and that's when his deep blue eyes met my bright green ones.

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