Thank You + Q&A

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Holy mother of pearl, you guys. After a year and a half of writing, this series is coming to a close. A year and a half! My Story took half that time! And it has more chapters! I'm just...I'm honestly in awe, right now. I really, truly am.

I'm going to get a bit personal right now. This past year and a half has been absolutely life-changing. It has had its ups and downs, best and worst moments, and Before Awakening was here for all of it. It was with me when I first started high school, got through my first year of marching band, my loves and heartbreaks, eventually finding my amazing significant other, the absolute lowest and darkest moment of my life, and so, so much more. And then, it was with me for that second time. When I started my second year of high school and where I am today. Before Awakening was with me through all of this. And now, it's over.

For this year and a half, I have been through so, so much. Coming to terms with who I am, my mental health and how I'm trying to better it, heck, even my physical health! So many things were changing and shifting. However, Before Awakening was a constant throughout all of it. It was always by my side. This absolute monster of a project was sometimes my curse but also my dream come true.

Writing Before Awakening was no easy task. For one, it was my first big somewhat original project (yes, it is still 100% fanfiction, but a good lot of it is of my own mind and creation). Although My Story is a bit longer in chapter count, that story was already somewhat written. All I had to do was add my own personal flair. For this, I was on my own. I took what little information was given and went wild. I created characters, relationships, families, and so much more in the land of Ylisse. And, some of these characters are my most beloved (I'm talkin' bout you, Lucia, Evelina, and Ashie).

And I would be nowhere without my amazing readers. Whether you're a silent reader, a frequent commenter, or even one of my best friends, you are still a huge part of this series. While everything in my life was happening, Before Awakening was still thriving. On days I felt like doing nothing but collapsing in bed and crying, you guys brought smiles to my face with all of your lovely comments. All of you kept me going. You all gave me reminders that I do make good content and people do want to read it!

And I cannot thank you enough for that. I'm so grateful to every single one of you. I have come so far in these two and a half years of me being on Wattpad. It's all too surreal for me. I know it sounds like I'm saying goodbye, but I'm not. I'm staying right here. Where I belong. I have so many more projects in my vaults, you can't get away from me that easily.

So, thank you. Thank you all so so so so so so so so so much. You all are a significant part of my life and I hope you stay in it. I feel so connected to all of you. I love you all, my lovely readers. Btw I discovered a name for my fans: Chranberries. Get it? Chranna? Cranberries?

...I'll go home. XD

Anyway! Let's move on from the sentimental stuff (even though I'm crying and want to hug each and every one of you. Give this sappy reader a virtual hug).

So as you know, I did a Q&A. However, due to the shortage of them, I have recruited the lovely xInSainex and my own blueberry son Morgan/best friend WolfMisha to fill in some questions! Thank you both so much! I love y'all a heckin' ton. Let's get on with it, shall we?

Sofia_Redwood asks: You commented on one of MMHunter's short story's with Robin solving a mystery or something... you said that something in it reminded you of a song about a detective, and those were the same thoughts I had reading that segment, so... what song was it, if you can remember?

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